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Zac Efron Admits His Mom Even Called Him About Those Plastic Surgery Rumors

Zac Efron Admits His Mom Even Called Him About Those Plastic Surgery Rumors

Image via Instagram

Zac Efron is finally addressing those plastic surgery rumors. 

Just last year, the rumors circulated online after he appeared in an Earth Day special with Bill Nye, his jaw looking more swollen than normal.

Zac Efron Admits His Mom Even Called Him About Those Plastic Surgery Rumors

The apparent facial change caused many to believe that he had received plastic surgery, however, in a new interview, Zac set the record straight.

Speaking to Men’s Health for its October 2022 issue, Zac spoke about an incident when he shattered his jaw after slipping in his house and hitting his chin on a granite fountain. He recalled waking up to find his chin bone hanging off his face at the time of his accident. 

He has since been working with a specialist and does physical therapy to correct this. 

But after taking some time off from doing the exercises he explained, “The masseters [muscles] just grew. They just got really, really big.” 

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He admitted that he was unaware of the internet’s unrelenting speculation as to whether he’d gone under the knife until his mother called to ask him about the rumors 

However, Zac chalked up his lack of social media knowledge to the fact that he generally avoids it to protect his mental health.

“If I valued what other people thought of me to the extent that they may think I do,” Zac said, “I definitely wouldn’t be able to do this work.”

Elsewhere in the interview, Zac spoke on falling into a “bad depression” after preparing for the 2017 movie Baywatch, which he starred in alongside Dwayne Johnson.

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“I started to develop insomnia,” he said, revealing later on how he actually fell into a deep depression.

“I fell into a pretty bad depression, for a long time. Something about that experience burned me out. I had a really hard time recentering. Ultimately they chalked it up to taking way too many diuretics for way too long, and it messed something up.”

Zac added, “That Baywatch look, I don’t know if that’s really attainable. There’s just too little water in the skin. Like, it’s fake; it looks CGI’d. And that required Lasix, powerful diuretics, to achieve. So I don’t need to do that. I much prefer to have an extra, you know, 2 to 3 percent body fat.”

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