Mamas Uncut

YouTuber Nikki Phillippi Puts Family Dog Down for Being Aggressive, Receives Intense Backlash

YouTuber Nikki Phillippi is receiving heat after she posted how she put down her family dog after its most recent aggressive outburst.

Phillippi revealed (in a now-deleted Instagram post) this past Monday how she decided to put down her dog, Bowser, after he bit her young son Logan.

YouTuber Nikki Phillippi Puts Dog Down for Being Aggressive

“Bowser had an aggressive side that reared its ugly head a few times over the years,” she captioned the series of photos of the family with the dog. “After a lot of counsel, we decided it was time for Bowser to pass peacefully on.”

Phillippi continued, sharing: “We didn’t want to make this decision…as I’m sure you can imagine. I’m not kidding when I say this was one of the saddest days of my life.”

“We will miss you forever Bowser,” Phillippi ended the post.

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The post received intense scrutiny from many who stated Phillippi should have tried to rehome the dog or put him through more training before choosing euthanasia.

In a YouTube clip, both Phillippi and her husband Dan shed more information on the decision, saying that Bowser was attacked as a puppy, which contributed to his aggressive personality. The two reiterated that the dog had been involved in several incidents over the past few years where he injured other dogs.

And in the most recent incident involving their son, Phillippi explained that Logan had taken food from Bowser, which prompted the dog to bite him in the face. The couple said the injury “wasn’t bad” but that Logan still has “a little mark” from the bite.

Image via YouTube

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“In some ways it’s been anticipated for a really long time, and in others, it was completely shocking,” Phillippi said.

“Never crossed my mind — ‘Oh, now we’re gonna have to put Bowser down’ — I just thought, ‘Oh, he’s just gotta be in the right home.’ But after getting counsel from multiple professionals who are with dogs all the time, all of them said that, they all said the same thing.”

Phillippi ended the video with “a list of things that I’ll never forget about Bowser” while showing photos of the dog. You can watch the full video, below.

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