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YouTuber Brittani Boren Leach Asks for Prayers After Infant Son Dies During Christmas Day Nap, Donates His Organ to Others

YouTuber Brittani Boren Leach Asks for Prayers After Infant Son Dies During Christmas Day Nap, Donates His Organ to Others

Brittani Boren Leach/Instagram

YouTube star Brittani Boren Leach and her family are in mourning following the unexpected death of her 3-month-old son.

According to People, Leach’s son, Crew, was first rushed to the hospital on Christmas Day after he went down for a nap. On December 26, the mom opened up and asked for prayers while doctors tried to save Crew after Leach and her husband, Jeff, found him unresponsive.

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She wrote:

“I don’t have any words right now, other than to desperately ask for your prayers. Not the kind that you say ‘I’m praying for you’ and don’t, but the kind where you fall on your knees and beg God for a miracle.”

YouTube Star Brittani Boren Leach Asks For Prayers After Son Dies During Christmas Day Nap

Leach then went on to explain what happened to their baby boy. “While at a relative’s house last night, Crew laid down for a nap and when I went to check on him, he was not breathing. We are living a nightmare, and I’m dying inside. Please pray for my baby. This can’t be real.”

In a second Instagram post, Leach revealed that, at the time, Crew was stable but a ventilator was breathing for him and the MRI they were waiting on still will help tell them more.

“I can’t explain to you what this feels like. This kind of thing only happens to ‘other’ people. Not me. I just want to crawl in bed with my baby and nurse him. Instead, I’m standing here with a breast-pump in my bra where my baby should be… begging God for a miracle. Please continue to pray. Please. I don’t think I can go on without him.”

It was 12 hours later, in a third Instagram post, that the heartbroken mom revealed that although Crew’s “tiny earthly body is still with us, I know he’s already dancing and playing in Heaven.”

Leach asked for more prayers, but this time she asked that people pray for their “peace and clarity on the decisions that have to be made, and for our hearts, the pain is unbearable.”

Leach and her husband then made the decision to donate their 3-month-old son’s organs.

“It’s all just too much. All of it. I know God has a plan for this, but I’m really really mad at him right now. I cry behind the bathroom door while Jeff holds me because in the room over everyone else gets to laugh and go on with their lives, and it makes me so angry. Running tests on my son’s body to see how his organs are functioning before they take them. Pumping breastmilk just to pour it down the drain. Hearing a baby cry. Seeing a baby his age. Shopping Nordstrom for the dress I’ll wear to my son’s funeral. It’s all too much. I’m sorry to vent, but this is my heart. And I need all the prayers to get through this.”

On December 30, 2019, Leach revealed that her son had passed away, but that the organs he donated will save three or four lives. And while the pain of losing her son is indescribable, “one day we hope we to meet the little lives that he has saved.”

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A GoFundMe account was set up by a friend to help raise money for their future medical bills and the cost of Crew’s funeral. “Any funds remaining after expenses are covered will be donated to a cause in Crew’s name.”

The exact cause of Crew’s death has not been revealed. Our thoughts and prayers are with Leach, Jeff, and their older children during this very difficult time.

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