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You May Have Broken Me, But I Was Strong Enough to Start Over

It may seem like you will never get over the hurt, but you will.  Stronger and wiser.

It took me a long time to get over you and what you did to me. It was like I let a person hold my heart who had no business doing so and of course it was kicked, stabbed and crushed right before my eyes.

Now looking back, I should have known better, but I wanted someone to love me. Because for some reason, I was missing that love for myself.

I was looking so hard in the wrong places for love that your sweet lies of how much you cared, passed right over my sane judgement. I knew you were different but I should have known it was in a bad way.

You took every part of me and proved to me if you give the wrong person power they will destroy you and will do so with no mercy. You took advantage of me and my kind heart and I was so broken I didn’t see it sooner, but now I do.

I see all the hate, lies and misery that were hiding within your soul. And instead of you figuring out that crap for yourself you decided to find a sweet innocent girl to take on that dark path with you.

You were selfish, vengeful and you never really cared about me… Not like I cared for you. But now it’s all over.

You never even cross my mind anymore. It’s like you were just a bad dream that I’m barely reminded of.

I wonder if you look at me now and see how much more beautiful I’ve gotten. How much stronger, independent, smarter, loving and happier I’ve gotten without you.

Because if you do I hope it hurts just a little knowing that I was strong enough to start over. I was strong enough to find who I was and start loving that woman more than I have ever loved anyone.

When I found myself I found out how beautiful this world can really be. Because of you, I was able to grow. I was able to move past bad relationships and find a person who really loved me.

He loves everything about me and he definitely loves the fact that I love myself.

I wish I could say I wanted to be an acquaintance of yours but I guess you chose that fate for yourself. And I am actually really happy you will forever just be a bad dream of mine.

Being broken wasn’t my fault… But I want you to know that rebuilding who I was and who I wanted to be was not because of you. It was because of the woman I aspired to be and I can finally say I’m her.

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