Mamas Uncut

Was I Wrong Not to Invite My Dad to My Wedding Even Though He Didn’t Invite Me to His?

After being left off the invite list to her father’s wedding so many years ago, one bride-to-be is considering giving her father a taste of his own medicine by leaving him out of her big day.

Now she’s asking the Reddit community, “Am I the a**hole for not inviting my father to my wedding after I wasn’t invited to his?”

Was I Wrong Not to Invite My Dad to My Wedding Even Though He Didn't Invite Me to His?
CREDIT: Reddit

The woman begins by explaining that her father and his new wife were married when she was a teenager and she was left off the guest list. 

“My dad and his wife ‘eloped’ and got married when I was 14,” she writes. “I found out days later that my stepbrothers were present at the wedding. My father didn’t get me because he knew it would cause a big fight with my mom.”

Understandably, this caused an ongoing rift between the two that has never been repaired. 

“I can confidently pinpoint this exact incident for my relationship with my dad becoming very icy. I was extremely close to him before this,” she shares. “I saw it as a huge slap in the face and I never viewed my dad the same since. It’s also affected my relationship with my stepbrothers and stepmother.”

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The hurt daughter goes on to say that her father eventually acknowledged his mistake, but the damage had already been done. 

“My father came to my graduation a few years ago and broke down in tears and apologized again but I just simply can’t bring myself to start caring about him. I said everything was fine and moved on.”

Now that the woman is planning her big day, she is considering leaving her father out of her the occasion, as he did to her all those years ago. 

“I’m now getting married in September. I love my fiancé and I’m very happy with my life. My father texted me the other day saying that he can’t wait to walk me down the aisle. But I would like my stepfather to do that instead.”

“And honestly, I would rather my father not come to the wedding at all just to avoid any drama about the whole walking down the aisle thing. And also, maybe he’ll finally understand how I felt all those years ago,” she wrote.

Many weighed in that they understand why she would still be hurt and empathized with her decision to not include her father on her special day, while others encouraged her to be the bigger person and move on from the incident. Ultimately, thousands voted and this bitter bride was voted “the a**hole.”

What do you think?

[Images via Shutterstock]

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