Mamas Uncut

My Husband Wants to Go to a Strip Club With His Friends, But That Makes Me Uneasy—Am I Alone?

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QUESTION: Would you be okay with your spouse going to a strip club?

“Ladies, would you be okay with your husband going to a strip club? His best friend is getting married, and they want to go to a strip club before the wedding for the party, but I don’t know how I feel about it. I trust him and know he wouldn’t cheat, but it still makes me feel weird. I am going to let him go, but I am still uneasy. Am I alone?”

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My Husband Wants to Go to a Strip Club With His Friends, But That Makes Me Uneasy—Am I Alone?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“It’s his best friend’s bachelor party not a random weekend outing…I wouldn’t care if my husband went.”

“No, no, and no it’s okay for other women to feel differently as we have all been through different things. Also, men tend to think they can do things that we shouldn’t do so we as women need to put a stop to that.”

“I would trust my husband to go and he has trusted me to also go to see Chippendale. If he starts cheating because he went to a strip club then that thought was already there. Good Luck.”

“If it’s his mate’s bachelor party then okay but if he went frequently, I don’t think so.”

“Yes, my husband did for a bachelor party. I trust him also but I’ve been with him before as well. Going with the guys wasn’t any different for me. He ended up being the designated driver and got them all home safely.”

“It’s weird, but it’s a special occasion. The only thing that would bother me is that I hate the idea of spending money on that. Too bad this bachelor didn’t come up with something less ‘low brow’.”

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