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World’s Smallest Baby Released From Hospital After Six Months

World's Smallest Baby Born

Baby Saybie earned the title of world’s smallest surviving baby when she was born in December of 2018. At the time of birth, she weighed only 8.6 ounces and was small enough to fit in the palm of her doctor’s hand. For comparison, that’s about the same weight as a large apple or a juice box. Can you imagine?

According to the University of Iowa’s Tiniest Babies Registry (who knew that was a thing?!), the little miracle weighed 7 grams less than the previous tiniest baby record holder, a baby girl born in 2015 in Germany.

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Baby Saybie arrived in December, three months earlier than expected, at San Diego’s Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns. The little lady was delivered via emergency C-section after it was discovered that she was not gaining weight in utero due to preeclampsia.

But last week, some amazing news finally came: Saybie was discharged from the hospital weighing 5.6 pounds!

The hospital released a video of Saybie’s mother sharing the news. “They told my husband he had about an hour with her and that she was going to die,” Saybie’s mother said. “But that hour turned into two hours. Which turned into a day. Which turned into a week.”

The world’s smallest baby has astounded her family and care team with her strength and determination. “I just want her to know how strong she is,” shared Saybie’s nurse Emma West. “I mean if she can start off where she was and do as well as she can be, there’s nothing she can’t do.”

What an inspiring story! We wish Baby Saybie and her family nothing but health and happiness in the months and years to come!

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