Mamas Uncut

Word Life Has Given Me the Relaxation and ‘Me Time’ I’ve Been Missing During This Especially Hectic Year

Rest and relaxation? And a good mental workout? As a mom? In the year 2020? You might call me crazy, but yes, I found it! I found it all thanks to Word Life.

I downloaded Word Life about three months ago after seeing it in the app store. I had been looking for a game for my phone that would kill a few minutes here and there while I was breastfeeding — my youngest just turned 8 months! — or when I had a few minutes of downtime to myself (LOL!). I had tried a variety of other games and apps, but I got bored with them rather quickly. I found them either too challenging and complicated or too unengaging. Nothing was giving me what I was looking for.

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You may already be familiar with crossword games and the like, but Word Life is the one that has helped me regain some much-needed brain space and “me time,” both of which are hard to come by in good times, let alone during this especially stressful year.

What Is Word Life?

Word Life Has Given Me the Relaxation and 'Me Time' I've Been Missing During This Especially Hectic Year
CREDIT: Word Life

Word Life is a relaxing crossword game that helps you train your brain and improve your vocabulary. Basically, you use your finger to create words from the available letters. When you find a word, it fills in the crossword puzzle, and once you’ve found all the words in a puzzle, you advance to the next level.

It’s simultaneously challenging and relaxing, which sounds oxymoronic, but I think all of our stress levels could benefit from the fulfilling challenges of the game. It gives the brain a good (but not too intense) workout, which makes it the perfect game to play for five minutes here, 10 minutes there, whenever you want, wherever you want. I used to spend that time aimlessly scrolling through Facebook, which can be an emotional challenge if not necessarily a mental one. But since I started playing the game, I feel less guilty for spending that time on my phone, because at least I am training my brain and bettering myself overall.

You can play it to wind down after putting the kids to bed. (I have taken to playing it for a bit just before I fall asleep; ask my husband, who now also plays!) You can play it to disconnect from social media or loud kids in the next room. You can use it when you need it for a few minutes away from reality, and I think all moms (and people) deserve that these days!

How I Use Word Life

CREDIT: Word Life

Almost immediately after downloading, I found myself — not addicted, exactly — but hooked on Word Life. After getting the hang of things, I found myself looking forward to playing again later. I felt that it had helped me reclaim a little “me time” during the day, even though I was often still doing other things, like breastfeeding or watching over the older kids get their chores done.

I began looking forward to carving out 10 minutes to master a few levels. In another life, I was an English major, so maybe I’m just being nostalgic, but I feel like I am working vocabulary muscles in my brain that I have pretty much neglected since I had more first kid almost 8 years ago! Some people even use Word Life to learn new languages! (I’m not quite there yet, but give me some time…)

Yes, Word Life Is Social Too

Though I like playing by myself due to my mom schedule, I have also enjoyed a few rounds of games against friends and family. (Again, I’ve gotten my husband into it, and thankfully, he’s not nearly as good as I am.) If your friends or family have Word Life, you can challenge them in a multiplayer format for a little friendly competition.

Are You Ready to Upgrade Your (Word) Life?

I’m never one to tell another mom what she should do, but let me just say I wholeheartedly recommend this game to all moms for a variety of challenges that you can fit into your busy life however you you want it to.

A game on your phone that will help you train your brain, expand your vocabulary, play with friends, and reclaim your life just a little bit? I don’t know how you could say no. So if you can’t say no and you’re ready to live the Word Life, give it a download here.

This post is part of a paid partnership with Word Life.

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