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6-Year-Old Dies at Colorado Park Because Employees Didn’t Check Her Restraints

Wongel Estifanos Dies at Colorado Park Due to Employees Error

Over Labor Day weekend, 6-year-old Wongel Estifanos and her family took a trip to a Colorado amusement park. Sadly, what was supposed to be a fun-filled day turned tragic when the 6-year-old child fell from the Haunted Mine Drop to her death.

According to The Hill, a new report revealed that Wongel Estifanos died on September 5 at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park after employees made a grave error. That error was not properly checking if the young girl was buckled in.

Report revealing why and how Wongel Estifanos passed away at Amusement park revealed.

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It was further reported that the employees also “did not understand the operations of the ride.” The Hill further reported that “after each ride, all buckles are supposed to be undone, and workers are supposed to ensure that all lap belts are fastened to riders. An alarm sounds when there is an error in restraints for a seat.”

As the report continued, it’s believed that when Wongel Estifanos sat in her seat on the ride, her buck was not undone. Instead, she sat on top of the restraints and pulled the end of the seat buckle across her lap making it appear as though she was properly strapped in.

The report says the alarm system did go off as it should, signaling an error. Sadly, the two employees operating the ride at the time hadn’t been trained properly and didn’t know what the alarm meant.

Although the operators did push down the rods into seats for rides, they didn’t fix Wongel Estifanos buckle. They then reset the system to get the alarm to stop.

“Wongel’s parents are determined to do everything in their power to make sure that no one ever dies this way again. As part of this mission, they are asking witnesses to come forward, including folks who experienced problems with the Haunted Mine Drop before Wongel was killed on it,” her family’s owner said in a statement.

While prosecutors are still determining if criminal charges should be brought, her family does plan to sue the park. Park founder Steve Beckley said the “entire Glenwood Caverns family are heartbroken by the tragic accident that occurred here on September 5,” and that after receiving the report “will review it carefully for recommendations.”

Our thoughts and prayers are with Wongel Estifanos’ family during this extremely difficult time.

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