Mamas Uncut

Woman Verbally Assaulted In Grocery Store By Pregnant Mother Who Wanted To Cut Her In Line

One woman is requesting the interwebs advice after a pregnant mother verbally assaulted her in public for not allowing her cut in front of her at the grocery store.

The woman explained how her girlfriend woke up very sick and they also happened to be out of medicine and groceries, so she made a run to the store.

Woman Verbally Assaulted In Grocery Store By Pregnant Mother
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“I picked up the medicine and went into the grocery store, trying to get to the checkout as fast as possible,” she shared.

“I was really lucky that there was no line and was already unloading my cart when [pregnant] women asked me if I could let her in front of me.” 

And while under normal circumstances, the woman would have been more than happy to oblige — the pregnant woman’s cart was overflowing and she needed to catch the next bus.

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“Maggie [the sick girlfriend] has a car but I don’t drive it because of insurance issues,” she went on to share.

“I really didn’t want to wait for the next bus because I didn’t want to leave Maggie alone for too long and I really didn’t have that many items. I wouldn’t have gone grocery shopping in the first place but the pharmacy is right next to the store and we really needed a few things.”

So she attempted to explain the situation to the pregnant mother and it did not go over well.

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“The lady started screaming that I shouldn’t treat her like that and that young people nowadays don’t know how to behave. She yelled that she needed to sit down and that I would take [too] long packing up my things.”

But the woman did not let the pregnant mom get to her, that is until, after she left the store.

“I ignored her, paid and left. In the moment I felt like I was right, but now I’m overthinking it. My girlfriend is touched that I was so worried about her and the lady was just plain rude. But what if she was really feeling unwell?”

Do you think she was in the right? Comment below!

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