Mamas Uncut

Grieving Wife Uses Husband’s Obituary to Blame His Death on Trump, Anti-Maskers, and the Governor of Texas, She Thinks He Would Be Proud of Her for Her Work

Stacey Nagy will admit her husband, David W. Nagy, didn’t like it when she talked politics. But when David passed away in July, Stacey let loose while writing her beloved husband’s obituary.

In the obituary, Stacey didn’t mince her words when she blamed her husband’s passing on President Trump, the governor of Texas, and those who refuse to wear a mask. “Dave did everything he was supposed to do, but you did not,” the grieving wife wrote.

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Stacey told BuzzFeed that David had a list of conditions that made him more vulnerable to COVID-19. Some of those conditions included diabetes, heart problems, and early signs of dementia. As a result, the couple took every precaution possible to avoid contracting the widespread virus.

“We were married for 20 years and now I’m not with him. It’s just been devastating for me. It pisses me off because he didn’t need to die. Had people been following the recommendations, things would have been different. But people don’t.”

Unfortunately, after falling in March, they believed it would be in David’s best interest to stay in a home where he could recover without fear of COVID. Despite not being able to be with David one-on-one, Stacey would continue seeing her husband by standing outside his window and having conversations with him through the glass.

“We’d kiss the glass to give kisses to each other.”

Wife Uses Husband’s Obituary to Blame Death on Trump, Anti-Maskers

Then in July, David fell ill. After being taken to a hospital, he tested positive for coronavirus. Stacey told BuzzFeed that his doctors tried everything, from Remdesivir, plasma therapy, to placing him on a ventilator. Sadly, her husband’s condition only worsened.

He died on July 22. He was 79 years old. “I was pissed. I was super pissed because it didn’t have to happen and every time I think about it I get angry and cry.”

As Stacey wrote in the obituary, most of her family believes David’s death was “needless.” And that “they blame his death and the deaths of all other innocent people, on Trump, Abbott and all of the other politicians who did not take this pandemic seriously and were more concerned with their popularity and votes than lives.”

She added that because Trump and Abbott dismissed early recommendations to wear a face mask, she believes it fueled the anti-mask movements across the country, BuzzFeed reports, which resulted in an uptick in COVID cases. “Also to blame are the many ignorant, self-centered and selfish people who refused to follow the advice of the medical professionals, believing their ‘right’ not to wear a mask was more important than killing innocent people,” Stacey continued.

Grieving Wife Uses Husband's Obituary to Blame His Death on Trump, Anti-Maskers, and the Governor of Texas, She Thinks He Would Be Proud of Her for Her Work

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Stacey revealed that she was surprised that a photo of the obituary started going viral on Twitter. “I did it because…I wanted people to know the ones that refuse to wear a mask, that they are the killers and they are to blame, not just for Dave’s stuff but for all these people.”

And regardless of David being someone who preferred not to get political, she believes her husband would be proud of her. “I think he’s smiling right now because I’m fighting for him and all the other ‘hims,'” she told BuzzFeed.


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