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Woman Removes Her Husband’s Bedroom Lock After He Ignores Family Emergency, Is She In The Wrong?

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A mother has taken to Reddit to ask if she was in the wrong for locking her husband’s bedroom lock.

Reportedly, the OP (Original Poster) revealed how her husband ignored a family emergency which led to a massive fight.

Woman Removes Her Husband's Bedroom Lock After He Ignores Family Emergency, Is She In The Wrong?
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“Background about my husband : He stays up late at night and has to wake up early to go to work. So when he gets home at 5, he has to get his 2hrs nap so he could both make up for lack of sleep and also be ready to stay up late to play with his console.”

She continues on, setting the stage of the harrowing incident.

“He values his sleep and has one rule in the house that he enforces strictly, which is to not be interrupted while sleeping. He literally put a sign on the bedroom door saying ‘DO.NOT.WAKE.ME.UP’ under any circumstances, just no, unless someone’s hurt or dead though; in this case he said he still wouldn’t be of much help anyway. The kids and I would sometimes wake him up but for serious reasons. He got mad and started locking the door. I get no access to the room for 2 hours but that’s not the main problem.”

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“This past Tuesday, my 3yo son had hot oil spill on his hand while his 14yo sister was cooking, I heard him scream and saw that the oil was covering his hand and half of his arm, I brought the first aid kit but he was in so much pain and his skin looked really bad. I rushed to wake my husband up, I kept knocking but got no response so I tried to open it but it was locked. I spent a while between knocking on the door (he had his phone turned off) and getting dressed after my daughter asked the neighbor to drive us to the hospital. I couldn’t waste more time cause my son was crying.”

“The neighbor took us to the hospital and I couldn’t help feel livid the whole time. We got home and my husband was pacing around asking wherever were and why I didn’t answer his texts. I blew up on him after I showed him our son’s injury and told him that I pounded on the door to wake him up but he said had his earbuds on and didn’t hear a thing. I called him reckless and neglectful for ignoring a family emergency.”

“He said I could say the same thing about myself for leaving our son unsupervised and causing him to get a burn. I stopped arguing and went to remove the bedroom door lock, he started yelling at me saying I had no right. I refused to respond I just walked off to calm down. He didn’t stop complaining calling me bossy and saying that by removing the lock I’ve destroyed his peace and quiet and caused him to sleep deprivation. He’s insisting I put it back but I refused. I could be wrong for what I’ve done but I was frustrated and mad. AITA?”

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One user said: “Please OP, listen to this. Leave him. He’s not ready to be married or a father. He prioritizes his precious naps and gaming over spending time with his family. Toss his *ss. Update us when you do. I hope your son is okay. NTA.”

While another commented: “Nevermind this being his wake-up call, it needs to be OP’s. This is a man who has checked out from family life and obligations, and who cannot be relied upon in an emergency, and will flip the script and blame his wife when he couldn’t be relied upon in an emergency. Probably time to move out and seek a divorce, or to demand a radical change as you suggest to avoid a divorce.”

Followed by: “He doesn’t get to clock out. Especially this. As a father this sort of nonsense f****** disgusts me. Parenting is a full-time job. For both parents. I can’t imagine telling my kids to f*** off so I could play games, let alone telling them to f*** off so I could sleep, so I could play more games later. The amount of times my wife and I have powered through sickness and god knows what else just because you have to, I’ve lost track of. F***, this makes me so mad.”

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