Mamas Uncut

This Woman Became Pregnant at the Same Time as Her Overly-Competitive Mother-in-Law, and Things Are Going About As Badly as Expected

Imagine finding out that your overly-competitive mother-in-law is expecting at the same time as you! That’s what one mom-to-be has been dealing with throughout her pregnancy, and unsurprisingly she needed to vent her frustration to the Reddit community

The soon-to-be mama recalls the moment she and her husband shared their exciting news with his father and her mother-in-law, a much younger woman who married her husband’s father.

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Woman Becomes Pregnant at Same Time as Overly-Competitive Mother-in-Law, and Things Start Getting Ugly

This Woman Became Pregnant at the Same Time as Her Competitive Mother-in-Law, and Things Are Going About As Bad as Expected
CREDIT: Reddit

“A few months ago, we found out we were pregnant,” the original poster (OP) writes. “It was not planned, but we are very happy none-the-less. We broke the news to everyone in person. We didn’t do cheesy gifts or anything.”

“Without even congratulating us, he told us ‘[MIL] is pregnant too!!!’”

As if that wasn’t enough, turns out the pregnant MIL has attempted to one-up her daughter-in-law at every turn. 

In a bold move, she even planned her baby shower for the same day as her daughter-in-law’s shower. 

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CREDIT: Reddit

“She made it a whole Facebook event. [My FIL] is very affluent so they are going all out. I am talking a hired band, fancy virgin cocktails with a barista, a whole a** venue etc.”

“[My husband] now wants to cancel the baby shower altogether. He is really bitter. Especially because he feels like this baby is a do-over child for his father, as [my FIL] is now more involved than he was with [my husband’s birth],” the OP continues.

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OP also says:

“Since then [they] go out of their way to “outshine” my pregnancy. It is really stupid but I feel like I am in some kinda race? For example you know how you can get either a Standart ultrasound or one of those 4d ones? I posted my Standart one on isntagram and 4 minutes after that Mindy posts hers that is one of the fancy ones and she tags (!!!) me. She basically said this “this is more expensive but so worth it to see the little one in detail! @op I recommend to get this one the next time ????”

The added stress has zapped the joy from this mama. 

“The pregnancy alone is very difficult as I have high blood pressure, [bacne], nausea, and every time I sneeze I feel like I peed my pants. I just need help or even just some encouragement.”

Reddit members were quick to warn the writer to stop this behavior in its tracks because it will only get worse once the babies arrive. One even went so far as to say, “Block his Dad and his wife on social media. Don’t play into that, do what is best for you and your mental health because it’ll serve baby better.”

And we don’t disagree!

Oh mama, we’re here for all the follow-up details! We hope things have gotten better since your initial post.

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