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How Do I Tell My Fiancé I Absolutely Hate the Engagement Ring He Bought Me?

A woman writes in asking for advice about her engagement ring. She says her now-fiancé bought her an engagement ring which she “absolutely hates.” She wants to know the best way to tell him that she doesn’t like the ring, preferably without hurting his feelings or causing a problem overall.

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A member of the community asks:

“Fan Question: How do I tell my fiance I hate my engagement ring?

How do I tell my fiance I absolutely hate the engagement ring he bought?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Woman Who Hates the Engagement Ring Her Fiancé Bought for Her

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this woman in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

How Do I Tell My Fiancé I Absolutely Hate the Engagement Ring He Bought Me?

The community offered this woman in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Love isn’t about a ring. It’s being materialistic!”

“You don’t! You act like an adult, and go on about your business. Don’t act like an ungrateful child.”

“I think you will learn to love it when you associate it with him, your life together, and all that you have built.”

“The man offered the rest of his life to you and you’re worried about a PIECE OF CARBON ON A BAND?! Ungrateful and materialistic.”

“Wow a lot of haters on here. I am picky about the one I want too. I wouldn’t tell him but I’d sulk. It’s the thing that shows everyone you’ve committed to this one person the rest of your life. You should have picked it out. It’s not at all materialistic or ungrateful. It’s your engagement ring it should be what you want.”

“I hated one of my engagement sets that my man picked out. He surprised me with it (we’d been discussing the actual proposal a bit). I liked the rings themselves but not on my hand. Showed him what I liked and we picked the next one together. He bought a few after just to figure out more of what I liked and finally found the right one.”

“Ok…. so odd man out… if I hated my ring, me and my husband are cool enough for me to just say it. He wouldn’t take it personally and he would want me to be happy with it instead of lying to him…

…Now on the reverse, if I got him something and he said he hated it, I would probably pitch a fit and be butt hurt. But that’s because I am a people pleaser and got the daddy issues. But he knows that and would just love me until it passed…

… Then we just live life. Sorry for all the people bashing you. Everyone’s relationship is different.”

“There’s nothing wrong with OP not loving her ring. Maybe tell him that you have found a setting that you’re in LOVE with, and have your stone reset. Just because a man gives you a ring, does not mean you must love it. My hubby has given me all kinds of stuff I don’t like. And I, him. Don’t let all these people saying all these negative things bring you down.”

“Is it a part of a set? If not, maybe you can get him to consider a set so you can get something you like without hurting his feelings?”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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