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Woman Goes to Doctor for Kidney Stones, Ends Up Having Surprise Triplets

Woman Goes to Doctor for Kidney Stones, Ends Up Having Surprise Triplets

Danette Glitz was living her life in South Dakota when she had the greatest surprise ever. On August 10, she went to urgent care because of her kidney stones — or so she thought — only to deliver triplets hours later. 

CBS 17 reported that she went to the doctor hoping surgery would break up her kidney stones and relieve the pain only to be told she was actually in labor. 

“I started getting pains in my back and in my side felt like kidney stones cuz I’ve had them before,” she shared on Facebook. “So I just kept pushing on, until Saturday I was in so much pain all I could do was lay in bed and cry it hurt to move and even breath.”

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Woman Goes to Hospital for Kidney Stones, Has Surprise Triplets Instead

The pain she was feeling was actually from contractions. By the time she got to the doctor, she was already 4 cm dilated and was soon rushed to Rapid City Hospital where she gave birth. 

“They did [an] ultrasound and seen on baby feet first so I would need a C-section,” she said. “Dr. came in checked me, I was 6 cm dilated, so they moved very quickly got me into surgery.” 

The doctor first told her she was having twins but discovered she was actually having triplets while she was giving birth. 

Danette added that her husband was even more surprised by the baby news. He had been thinking of two baby names and was shocked to have to come up with a third. 

The two girls and one boy were born within minutes of each other, each weighing about four pounds. Danette and her husband named their new bundles of joy Gypsy, Nikki, and Blaze. The couple are also parents to 10-year-old Ronnie and another school-aged girl.

It seems like the family is taking this big shock in stride: Little Ronnie had this to say when asked what he thought:

“One time I seen a shooting star and I wished for a baby brother, and I wished for like two sisters for my little sister because she always wanted a little sister, I knew this day was always going to come.”

Something tells us this family will be alright.

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