Mamas Uncut

Woman Coughs On Mother Of 10 Who Has Brain Tumor For Recording Her Tantrum At Pier 1

A mother’s post is going viral after she revealed to social media an encounter with a woman who coughed on her at a local Pier One store.

The woman who was coughed on, Heather Reed Sprague, has a brain tumor and had decided to duck into the store to escape the heat while she waited for her doctor’s appointment to start in Jacksonville, Florida.

Woman Coughs On Mother With Brain Tumor For Recording Her
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“I’m a mother of ten, and currently a brain tumor patient at Mayo Clinic. Obviously, I don’t get out much right now.” She went on to share how she had an appointment in the town center so she “donned my mask and ducked into a store to escape the heat while I waited for my appointment time.”

At the store she quickly noticed a woman who was allegedly being difficult with the staff. Sprague noted that the woman, who was there with two children, “positioned herself so the clerks couldn’t exit the checkout area and screamed that she would stay right there, yelling as loud as she wanted, until all their customers left.”

It was at that moment she began to take out her phone and silently film the exchange.

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It was at that moment when the customer decided to engage with Sprague.

In the video, the woman turns to Sprague, gives her the finger, and then says: “I think I’ll get real close and cough on you then, how’s that?” to which she actually does before turning and leaving the store, a child following behind her. While the experience was horrifying, Sprague reminded others how holding others accountable for their behavior is vital.

“I did not speak, react, or engage. Simply stood to document the behavior. When bullies are faced with accountability they must acknowledge the unacceptability of their actions. Within 30 seconds of filming her tirade was done and she left the poor staff in peace.”

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And while many have applauded Sprague’s post for filming the encounter, she says she will now have to go get tested for the coronavirus.

Florida is currently seeing a record high rate of confirmed cases.

Sprague’s video has been shared on Twitter and Facebook and viewed more than 4.9 million times.

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