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Woman Conceives Third Baby While Pregnant With Twins

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A woman who was pregnant with twins has conceived a third child in just one week‘s time since discovering she was pregnant with multiples. But how you ask?!

When a separate egg is fertilized by sperm in the womb days or weeks after a pregnancy has already occurred, it is called superfetation.

Woman Conceives Third Baby While Pregnant With Twins
Image via TikTok

The personality, known as @TheBlondeBunny1, is 17 weeks along with her “triplets.”

In one viral video, she explains what exactly is happening inside her body.

“We knew it was two separate pregnancies,” she revealed. “When you ovulate, you ovulate for 24 hours. And sperm can live in your body for up to three to five days. So our first two babies are 10 and 11 days older than our third baby.”

Her doctors wanted to confirm it was the rare superfetation and not twin absorption or a malnourished baby, so she has been going in for ultrasounds every two weeks.

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“Sure enough, it’s been hitting every single milestone like it’s supposed to, growing at a healthy rate, just 10 to 11 days behind the first two babies we have,” she said.

Back in 2016, Self reported that superfetation is so rare that “there are only a handful of documented cases.”

The following year,  The Post revealed a story of a surrogate mother who believed she was carrying identical twin boys when in actuality, a superfetation had caused her to conceive her own child with her husband during the same cycle in which the intended parents’ embryo was transferred to her uterus.

“This happened to us because my hormones didn’t stop me from ovulating, I ovulated another time,” she shared in one TikTok clip. In another video, she revealed how her mucus plug had yet to form, which allowed a second pregnancy to happen. She revealed how she was not taking any fertility drugs at the time and does not have a bicornate uterus.

Image via TikTok

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“We’re lucky enough that they’re close enough, they will all have the same due date, we just need to get the third baby past the 28-week mark, and hopefully carry them to 32, maybe even 35 [weeks],” she said.

According to multiple case studies, superfetation can happen months after the original pregnancy.

But even with the life-changing news, she is beyond excited to become a mom.

“We wanted to be parents, and God said, ‘Watch out what you ask for,’ and gave us three at once,” she laughed. “Scared, excited, so many different emotions but I can’t wait for them to be here.”

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