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Woman Births A Son 1 Week After Husband Tragically Killed In Construction Accident

Woman Births A Son 1 Week After Husband Tragically Killed In Construction Accident

Image via Instagram

One week after a South Florida man was killed in a construction accident in North Miami, his wife gave birth to their son.

Gabriel Alvarez, 44, was killed on Oct. 25 after a large piece of machinery fell on top of him at a construction site. He was a manager in North Miami near Florida International University’s Biscayne Bay campus.

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Police said one of the two men (who was later identified as Alvarez) was pronounced dead at the scene, while the other worker, whose identity and condition have not yet been released, was immediately rushed to a local hospital.

Grace Sotolongo-Alvarez, Alvarez’s pregnant wife, spoke out on Facebook after losing her husband.

“Today I lost the love of my life… the only person I loved arguing with and laughing after, the father of my children, and the man that made me feel whole and secure,” she wrote. “Today is the worse day of my life and for the first time ever I had to break my 5-year-old daughter’s heart and help her process that daddy won’t be coming home today.”

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“Today, our big girl’s heart was also broken and although I haven’t seen her yet, I know she is forever changed,” Sotolongo-Alvarez continued. “And what can I say, my son will never get to meet his dad who has prayed for him and wanted him so much.”

“I don’t know how I will do this alone because you and I, through ups and downs, have always been a unit. No matter what, we always fix everything together, you and I. And this, we can’t fix,” she wrote. “I know you will give me strength and I know that at this moment, you are meeting our son before he makes his grand entrance. I love you. I forever will love you and I will make sure our kids always know you and know all of the dreams and hopes you had for them. You’ve taken a piece of my heart and soul with you.”

“At this time, for those who don’t know, all I can say is he was at work and had a freak accident. And I ask that you please not ask me anything else. I’m currently focusing on finishing my last week of my pregnancy, on my daughter, my stepdaughter, my mother in law, my family and myself. It takes a village and I am beyond grateful for everyone who has already reached out. Please pray for all of us and for Gabriel. @gabealvarez_”

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