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WATCH: Woman Doesn’t Recognize Boyfriend While Coming Down From Anesthesia, But Thinks He’s Cute

via Reddit (Made Me Smile)

Two of the biggest side effects of anesthesia are temporary memory loss and confusion. That’s why we see so many hilarious videos of people coming down from anesthesia following surgery – some of you even have a video of yourself coming down from anesthesia and you likely don’t remember any of it. 

On February 14, a Reddit user posted a video of a woman who had just got done with surgery and was laying in a hospital bed as she recovered – the anesthesia hadn’t worn off yet. She was being comforted by her boyfriend, but she had no idea it was her boyfriend – resulting in quite the cute/funny encounter. 

“This lady just had surgery and was having a short-term memory loss caused by anesthesia. Her boyfriend came in to check on her immediately after the surgery,” they wrote in the description. “May you find joy in everything you choose to do especially on Valentine’s Day.” What happened next was adorable!

RELATED: Mom Forgets She Had a Third Child While on Anesthesia and Then Starts to Believe Her Husband Kidnapped Them

In the video, the boyfriend is hunched over the bed as his girlfriend touches his face. “You look a little weird… But you’re cute,” she says – clearly not remembering they’re dating. They stare into each other’s eyes for a few seconds while she continues to touch his face, which causes her boyfriend to start giggling. 

WATCH: Woman Doesn’t Recognize Boyfriend While Coming Down From Anesthesia, But Thinks He’s Cute
via Reddit (Made Me Smile)

After a brief silence, she says, “You’re funny looking,” as she takes his hat off and places it on her head. “I like it, it suits you,” her boyfriend says – to which she responds, “I like you… I think.” He questions her – “You think?” She tells him he’s cute (again) before he says, “I’m gonna blow your mind right now.”

He leans in and kisses her on the cheek, which causes her jaw to drop as she stared at him – dazed and confused. “That cute guy’s kissing me,” she says. Her boyfriend laughs before going in for another kiss – this one on the lips. Her jaw drops even more and her eyes widen – he was right, she was mindblown!

via Reddit (Made Me Smile)

She keeps her jaw open and eyes wide for another 20 seconds and they kiss one more time before he falls to the ground laughing at her reaction. It was an adorable encounter for the young couple and one that the boyfriend will remember forever. At least they got it on video so she can watch it herself!

Users Share Their Own Anesthesia Stories in the Comments

The Reddit post ended up receiving 60,000 upvotes and more than 820 comments – it went viral almost immediately. The comments were filled with similar stories about friends and family members coming down from anesthesia – some funny, some adorable, some wild, some have a little bit of everything. 

via Reddit (Made Me Smile)

“My brother has always hated me. However When he had his wisdom teeth taken out he had the same sort of thing happen. After I told him I was his brother he was really surprised and I was really taken aback when he said that he loved me. I still think about it and it makes me smile,” one user commented.

via Reddit (Made Me Smile)

“My waking up from anesthesia is angry and fighting demons that aren’t there. Apparently I’ve punched my husband and a couple nurses over the years. My mom tried recording me once and I noticed and threw my pillow at her because I was mad she was recording me in the shower. I was in fact not in the shower,” another user wrote. 

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Here’s another funny story – “Here I am, coming out of surgery, having had anesthetic nightmares about grading, and students not doing their work. The first question I asked when the nurse started talking to me was, “I didn’t kick the doctor, did I?” “Nah, you just yelled at us to turn in our essay packets, or we would get F’s. What grade do you teach?”

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