Mamas Uncut

Wife Throws Away Husband’s Xbox After He Refuses To Help Son Search For Lost Dog

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In a post to Reddit, one wife and mother asks the internet if she is in the wrong for throwing away her husband’s Xbox after refusing to search for their lost dog.

“For starters, I am a nurse (35F) I have been extremely busy these past three months, even writing this post is a privilege and I am having to do this in bits and pieces. I also gave birth to my daughter 6 months ago. I have an eight-year-old son as well. When I am not working, I take care of my children.”

She goes on to share how back in the beginning of last year, her son begged for a puppy from her husband (35M). She was in protest as she just discovered she was pregnant but her husband thought it would teach their son responsibility and would be helpful to have practice in taking care of his baby sibling.

Wife Throws Away Husband's Xbox After He Refuses To Help Son
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The couple then decided to get a dog. But things quickly took a turn for the worst.

“5 days ago, my son had accidentally left the back door of our house open and the dog ran away. These 5 days were also some of the busiest, most [grueling] days of my work and I had to take up night shifts because a colleague had fallen sick.”

And while the son first asked his dad for help, he refused, saying it was his son’s responsibility to care for the dog. The husband works from home, usually logging in 3-4 hours a day with plays Xbox “the entire time” and according to the OP “literally has no added pressures.”

“5 days ago, when our son told me in tears that “dad won’t look for Tippy”, I talked to my husband, who said that it would teach our son some responsibility to take care of things in the future, which I found very callous since a dog is a living, sentient being and not a “thing”. He was playing Xbox when I was talking to him as well. He also said he won’t look for the dog or anything.”

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So what did the OP do? Take matters into her own hands.

“Yesterday, after coming home at night, the first thing I did was unplug the Xbox console and controller and throw it in the trash can. This morning, before going to work, my husband threw a fit when he didn’t find his Xbox in the living room. I told him that I’d thrown it away because he was so addicted to it that he couldn’t even get up and help our distressed son.”

After the OP returned from work, the husband had fished out the Xbox and gave his wife the cold shoulder because his controller isn’t working. In addition, a mutual friend called and said her reaction was “incredibly selfish.”

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Thankfully, Tippy was eventually found 2 miles away from the couple’s home after the mother posted ad and posters on multiple platforms and websites. And while her son and Tippy are overjoyed to be reunited, her husband treats Tippy as if he is non-existent.

“He went and bought a new Xbox controller right after Tippy was brought back and now demands that I pay him for damaging his property. I am willing to pay because I realise my impulsive response was not the best decision and nor was it the best way to deal with my situation. My approach towards my husband’s Xbox and my husband’s approach towards Tippy were both horrible and irrational.”

She closes the post stating that she needs to “reconsider” everything as (in addition) she no longer trusts her husband to watch their infant daughter due to his gaming. What do you think? Was it an overreaction or well deserved? Comment below!

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