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My Husband Leaves a Lot for Work, I Feel Lonely and Depressed: Advice?

My Husband Leaves a Lot for Work, I Feel Lonely and Depressed: Advice?


A mom writes in asking for advice after her husband isn’t home much because of his job, leaving her alone for months at a time to care for their two children while he works. However, the stress of being like a single mom is getting to her. Now she’s looking for some advice from other moms on how they are able to cope with the stress and loneliness.

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A member of the community asks:

“My husband is gone again for another eight months, we have an almost 3-year-old and 4-month-old. It’s been three weeks since he left, and I’m already giving up with this. (If you are wondering, yes I have a great group of friends, but also they have families, and sometimes I just don’t want to bother them with my problems.)

Here is the thing, I stay at home with my kids, but it’s getting worse between fits, crying, not wanting to eat, fits again, no sleeping, not even saying trips to the store. A few nights ago, my older one was throwing a bad fit and with no intention, hurt my nose. I was bleeding from the inside of my nose and from a little cut on the outside. That was the final call, I sat, cried and cried, that cry that you can’t simply stop, while my little one just wanted to be held.

So I’m wondering how you girls go through this and survive. I love my husband, I really do, but this situation of him being gone and me staying with the kids for long periods of time is driving me crazy. I’m depressed, I feel horrible, I feel like a big failure as a mom and wife. We don’t have family around, and his family has been really selfish with him since he married and has kids. Some I’m literally alone just with my friends.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Feeling Lonely With Her Husband Gone for Work

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Many wives offered a slew of advice for this mom in need. One commenter wrote, “I’ve been in your position. You’ve been given a lot of great ideas here. I hope you will try some of them. All I can add is to make sure you get out and about. Do not stay isolated!! If you’ve got to take the kids then so be it. But, I hope you can talk to your friends and just ask if one of them can watch your little ones for just two hours a week or even biweekly. Go for a walk, go to a movie, go to the library, just anywhere out of the house. It’ll give you something to look forward to and to plan for. If you’re going out with the kids instead, find kid-friendly places to go. They’ll enjoy it. Switch up your routine too. Give your life a little excitement and sunshine!!”

Another mom added, “I think even just a part-time job for yourself would help, find a private babysitter to come to your home and watch your children. Being a married woman raising your children as a single parent is tough and stressful, I’ve done it but I also worked.”

And another woman said, “Daycare, if you can afford it, especially for the older one. One to three days a week just so you can get some ‘me’ time or even a part-time job, even if your check goes straight to daycare. It’s adult time and may be good for you to interact with adults.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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