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New Mom Learns Husband Poked Holes In Their Condoms And Now They Are Pregnant

A woman on Reddit recently discovered her husband poked holes in their condoms and she is now pregnant and unsure of what she should do next with handling his invasive behavior.

The 24-year-old is mom to a newborn and the wife of a 30-year-old man.

Wife Learns Husband Poked Holes In Condoms To Get Pregnant
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She wrote in the r/relationship_advice forum seeking advice on what she should do next as she did not want a child.

“My husband admitted to wanting a child knowing I didn’t, so he poked holes in his condoms hoping to get me pregnant,” she wrote. And when she found out she was pregnant, he praised her saying how it was “meant to be,” since they took every precaution.

But the mom wanted to end the pregnancy, her husband refusing and telling her how “I’m not killing his child.”

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But upon learning what her husband did to her birth control, she is rightfully horrified. She cried after he confessed to tampering with their condom.

“He put me through so much pain during the pregnancy and risked my life(almost bled out) instead of finding someone who wants kids,” she continued.

“I’m not sure what to do, I need advice,” she wrote. Many chimed in with their thoughts.

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“Birth control sabotage is a form of reproductive coercion, which is ABUSE,” one commenter explained.

“Also if taking off a condom without the woman’s consent is considered rape, then intentionally putting holes in the condom should be held at the same standard,” someone else added.

“This is a form of sexual assault and domestic violence called reproductive coercion. Google it. There are tons of resources,” someone else explained. “Get evidence,” the commenter continued. “Find out what the laws in your country/state are around it and if you are able to, press charges. Even if you can’t press charges get a divorce.”

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