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A Husband Is Left Wondering How to Can Reassure His Wife That He Appreciates Everything She Does Around the House

One husband is confused as to why his wife is upset with him after he made a comment that left her thinking he doesn’t appreciate all she does for him around the house. In fact, he was so stumped that he decided to take the issue to Reddit

“I’m the sole earner for our household, my wife stays home,” he begins. “We don’t have children. Due primarily to a string of horrible jobs that led to some pretty bad anxiety issues for her, we agreed last year that she could stop working and pursue whatever hobbies, activities, etc. that she wanted while I provided for us financially.”

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Wife Doesn't Think Husband Appreciates Everything She Does for Him

He goes on to say that his wife signed off on their new agreement. “As part of this, she agreed to take care of basically everything related to the home – cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, and so on.”

He continued, “I still handle a couple of items, really just the garbage and the lawn. Beyond that, it’s all her, and she does a great job. Coming home to a clean house and a fresh meal from a wife who’s happier than I’ve seen her in years is wonderful. She’s also able to keep herself looking even hotter than usual, which is definitely fun for us both lol.”

However, his wife’s opinion about their arranged reportedly changed recently after talking about it with some of her friends. Apparently, his wife’s friends don’t think the situation is fair. 


Wife Doesn’t Think Husband Appreciates All That She Does For Him

“She had some friends over the other evening, I was playing games in my office. I came out to grab a drink and overheard her friends commenting on our situation. They were saying it wasn’t fair that my wife had to do everything, I should be pitching in more, what is this the 1950s.” 

That’s when things got heated, and the husband interrupted the chatter by saying, “We both need money, why should I be the only one making it?” His comment allegedly didn’t go over well with his wife, who was left upset and crying. 

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“I go to comfort her, thinking it was just out of embarrassment from what happened. But she said that what I said hurt her a lot. It sounded like I didn’t think she did enough and wanted her to go back to work.”

Now the concerned husband wants to know, “How can I reassure her that I’m happy with our arrangement and appreciate everything she does?”

Commenters were quick to agree that the husband owes his wife an apology. Other commenters also suggested that he should check in with his wife about the terms of their agreement as soon as possible to see if there is anything they should update.

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