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Wife Gives Husband Insane Ultimatum If He Doesn’t Go To Disney With Her

A man recently got into a marital argument with his wife after she threatened to divorce him after he denied her demands to take a family trip to Disneyland.

Allegedly, she became so irate over it that she threatened to divorce him. It all began when the couple got some news…

Wife Gives Husband Ultimatum If He Doesn't Go To Disney
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The man’s parents inherited a small property and then revealed how they intend to sell it within the next year. Once they sell it, they plan to distribute the money from the sale evenly between their four children.

The husband went on to say his wife waltzed into the room and declared:

“When we get that money it’s 100 percent nonnegotiable we are booking Disneyland.”

And it should be noted that while the dad does not dislike Disney — and even admits that his whole family would most likely love it.

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“My kids love Disney/Pixar films,” he started his post on Reddit, which has since been deleted. “My son has additional needs and communicates through pictures and phrases from his favorite films. He would almost certainly enjoy going to Disneyland.”

And while the thought of going to Disneyland has not been completely out of the question — the dad is taking a conservative approach.

“We are OK financially,” he went on, “but like most people would need to save up for a big holiday like that.”

The couple has even talked about going in the past but has wanted to do so when their kids were older. That being said he did not appreciate his wife’s approach.

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“I responded by laughing as I thought she was joking,” the father wrote. “While I would definitely consider it, I don’t think she gets to unilaterally decide what that money is spent on without any kind of discussion.”

But “laughing it off” was apparently not the response his wife was looking for. In fact, she got so fuming mad, she threatened to leave him.

“Her response was to say if I can’t commit to it then she is leaving me,” the husband continued on, saying how he was shocked by her reaction.

“She is prone to overreacting, so clearly I think she is in the wrong,” he wrote. But that being said, he wonders if he is in the wrong as he knows his kids would love the change to go to Disneyland.

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Many were appalled at the wife’s response.

“I wouldn’t want to marry someone who just decided they’re going to take money I’m inheriting from my parents and have the final say on where it goes,” one person wrote.

“She threatened to divorce him because he is not sharing the money that HE gets,” another person commented. “Wife or girlfriend, why would she have a say in your money?”

“Holding relationships hostage is emotionally abusive behavior,” another person chimed in.

What do you think? Be sure to comment below!

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