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I Am Concerned About My Husband’s Work Relationship with Another Woman: Advice?

I Am Concerned With My Husband's Work Relationship: Advice?

Sarah Cervantes /Unsplash

A woman writes in asking for advice after her husband started showing more appreciation towards his young, female work partner than he does towards her. She also admitted that she started growing concerned with their relationship after her husband stopped talking about his partner completely, even though he at one time talked about her all the time. Now her husband wants to go back to school to get his master’s degree so that they can start a business together. Any advice for this concerned wife?

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A member of the community asks:

“My significant other got a partner at his work that he speaks very highly of. She is young and beautiful, and they have a really good work bond. I didn’t think anything of it at first because he has a lot of friends from work, but recently he just stopped talking about her, when he would always tell me what happened at work (good/bad) and he spoke about her more often than not.

The last few things that he said was how he had called up some of his friends (whom I have never met) and had them come and hang her name sign up to surprise her before she came into work. He has never done anything like that for me. I’ll be lucky to get a card, and we never go out together, and I always tell him how I want to go out together. He even found a babysitter but never calls or texts them to see if they can watch the kids for a couple of hours. And then the other day he told me about his plans to go back to school to get his MS degree and him and his partner (the woman he surprised) were going to start up their own business and make a ton of money.

And then he told me, “And then we can get you some weight loss pills and you can get your boobs done”???? This made my heart beat so fast. He has been staying late at work; he texts her even while they are at work together. He making future dreams with her and even calling friends to get a surprise together for her. I feel so unappreciated, and it is making me feel that he has lost that “fun” with me and I don’t know how to get it back. He even got a promotion to work with someone else who is highly respectable, and he turned it down because “he couldn’t abandon her like that.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Wife Who Is Concerned With Husband’s Work Relationship

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Sadly, a lot of the women responding to this post believe this woman’s husband is having an affair. One commenter wrote, “You know what’s going on. You don’t need this site to validate. Why don’t you do a surprise of your own? Show up on a late night. Throw a GPS under the seat of his car … do a pop-up.”

One person added, “Kinda sounds like she’s given him a spark to want more and he’s realizing what he can do for his family. Have you even talked to him about it? Has he proven in the past to be untrustworthy? Sometimes a new employee is like a new toy.”

And another woman said, “I think he’s told you everything you need to know. No need to inquire, hire an investigator, pop up at work, nothing. ‘They’re going to…’ Let that sink in. You’re not in any part of the equation. I’d be quiet, serve him divorce papers, and on your way out the door say, ‘Hope it was worth it. I’ll see you in court.'”

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