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Why Badass Women Make the Best Girlfriends

Why badass women make great girlfriends

If you are a woman who has her shit together, refuses to accept mediocrity, hates playing games, and wants all the good that the world has to offer… you probably have a hard time with the opposite sex. A lot of men will pass over a strong take no prisoners type of female. But a man who has his shit together knows a badass woman makes the best girlfriend. Here are just a few reasons why:

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1. She’ll keep it 100

There’s no fronting, what you see is what you get. A confident female doesn’t feel like she has to pretend to be something she’s not to get a man. She demands that you either like her for who she is or leave her the hell alone. Simple. The badass knows her worth, and values her dignity. She doesn’t feel the need to pretend to be something she’s not to reel in a man. If the person she’s interested in is scared off by her, so be it. Better than wasting everyone’s time.

2. She can handle herself

Whether she’s out with the girls or away on a business trip, you don’t have to worry about her. She knows how to handle her shit. She’s not the type to get falling-down drunk or put herself in dangerous situations. She’s been around the block once or twice and has this stuff handled.

3. Better to be wanted than needed

If you feel that it’s better to be wanted than needed than a badass female is for you. If she’s with you, it’s not because of the material things you can offer, but the emotionally joy you bring. She can provide all the material things in life herself, and her overall happiness doesn’t depend on others.

4. She lives life to the fullest

She knows that time is a commodity that can’t be wasted. A badass woman is a hard worker who works her ass off to achieve her goals. But she knows all work and no play makes Jane a boring woman. A badass female knows that memories of fun times can get you through some of the difficult times in life, so she makes sure to make the most out of her downtime.

5. She’ll make you want to be a better man

She will be the strong woman standing next to her man encouraging him to succeed in his goals. True, she won’t tolerate an ambitionless man, but she will do everything she can to support her partner in obtaining his goals because she knows it makes them a better team when they’re both winning.

6. Nagging is not in her nature

She will not get on your case if you forget to get things done from time to time. She will either figure out how to get it done on her own or realize that she can do better without you. The one thing she won’t do is waste her time nagging you about petty things.

7. She doesn’t give up easily

At the first sign of struggle, she won’t throw in the towel on her relationship. She’s a badass; she’s dealt with struggles her whole life. She faces all challenges head-on, and she won’t hesitate to find ways to improve the life you share.

8. She won’t let herself go

Badass women know that rightly or wrongly, her appearance is always scrutinized. She will make sure her health and looks are always on point. Of course, she will have her lazy days, all women do, but you don’t have to worry about her letting herself go.

9. She’s not afraid to make the first move

Sex with a badass female will always be amazing because not only does she genuinely enjoy passion and intimacy, many times she’ll be the one to initiate it. Make sure you have plenty of stamina around a badass because you never know when she’ll jump you next.

10. Her loyalty is never questioned

If you’re lucky to have a badass girlfriend, she’ll always have your back in every shape and form. The badass female is choosy about who she lets into her life and values the relationships she garners. So as long as you are loyal to her; her loyalty is guaranteed.

A badass female doesn’t live a mediocre life; she only wants what’s amazing. If she’s with you, you must be pretty amazing to capture her heart and attention. 

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