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Whitney Port Slams Those Who Have Criticized Her Son’s Long Blonde, Curly Hair, Calling It ‘Homophobic’

Whitney Port Slams Those Who Have Criticized Her Son's Long Blonde, Curly Hair, Calling It 'Homophobic' | Whitney Port has had enough of people’s opinions of her son Sonny’s long hair and she is hitting back at the haters.

Whitney Port/Instagram

Former reality star, turned popular YouTuber, Whitney Port, has had enough of people’s opinions of her son Sonny’s long hair and she is hitting back at the haters. 

In a YouTube video shared to her channel, The Hills alum dished on why she and husband Tim Rosenman love their 2-year-old son’s long locks. During a segment she calls, “I Love My Toddler, But…” the proud mom said her son “can look however he wants.”

(Warning: The video below contains language that some may find offensive.)

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As the mom continued, Port said, from day one, her son always had great hair. “He was born with hair, lots of it. When I was like 8 months pregnant the ultrasound technician was like you better get a comb ready, because this baby has a lot of hair.”

And while her son’s blonde, curly locks are often a struggle to deal with and maintain, it’s what makes Sonny, Sonny.

Whitney Port Slams the People Criticizing Her Young Son’s Long Hair

The mama went on to say that she was horrified at the online hate one of her son’s photos received. She explained:

“I put a picture up of Sonny on my Instagram, as I usually do and someone commented, ‘He looks like a she, Whitney. I get the whole not wanting to depict their gender but Jesus, this is the third pic of him I’ve seen today that if I didn’t know he was a son I’d most def think he was a girl. And to be honest, I don’t doubt in a few years when he sees these pictures you’re sending out into the world just might upset him. It’s a thought to acknowledge.’”

The With Whit podcast host then questioned why hair has to be associated with gender in the first place? “First of all, what is a he supposed to look like and what is a she supposed to look like,” Port asked. “There isn’t any supposed to look like anything. Whoever said that because boys have long hair that makes them less of a boy, I just don’t understand that.”

Both Whitney and her husband, who was behind the camera, agreed that the cruel comments are homophobic and unacceptable. “Yeah, it’s homophobic and this felt like something I needed to respond to because I’m not cool with that,” she added.

“It’s one thing if people think I complain a lot or they’re saying something negative about me, but to be homophobic and let that live on my feed, I needed to respond back.”

As an adorer of fashion herself, this is one mama who is not going to stand in the way of her child’s personal style. In fact, once Sonny starts having an opinion on what he wants to wear, she’s going to honor and respect that opinion.

“We are going to dress Sonny for as long as that’s what we have to do. As soon as Sonny tells us he wants to wear something or has an opinion… Whatever he wants, how you dress is an expression of you and your personality and no one should tell you that there’s one way to do it.” 

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The reality star and her husband wrapped up the video by reiterating that their son can be exactly who he is and they’ll always be there to support him. “We are not pushing him towards heterosexuality or homosexuality,” Tim added. “He will just be whatever he is born to be and we’re here to support that. Not push him in one direction or another.”

However, the mom did admit that it bothers her knowing Sonny will grow up in a world with people who still have antiquated opinions, but her hope is that they raise their son to be strong enough to be fully secure in whoever he grows up to be.

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