Mamas Uncut

When Did Your Daughter Start Shaving For the First Time? Advice?


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QUESTION: When did your daughter start shaving? Advice?

“Hey, I just want to know at what age do females start to shave? I have an 11-year-old daughter who has noticeable hair on her armpits and legs. And she feels as though she is ready to start shaving. I personally don’t know what to do. I was once in the same boat when I was younger and my mother wouldn’t allow me to shave til after I was 16 years old. This only came about because I’m getting married soon and her dress shows her armpit hair and she is feeling insecure about it.”

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When Did Your Daughter Start Shaving For the First Time? Advice?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“If she doesn’t want armpit hair let her remove it. Of course show her what to and not to do.”

“I think it’s a personal choice with each daughter. I have 2, my oldest could care less and about at 13 she started. My youngest was 11, she started showing it earlier and was self conscious about it. Definitely being open about it so it wasn’t a big deal. I showed them the correct way. It’s hard to see them grow up but didn’t want her to feel embarrassed about something we all have to deal with.”

“My daughter started at 8 and I didn’t mind. If it made her feel good I wasn’t going to complain.”

“If she is asking you to do it I’d let her. She sounds super self conscious let her make herself feel beautiful by doing it. Show her how great bonding time.”

“Girls mature so much faster now and if she does not like her hair under her arms let her shave!”

“I remember when I was standing in line in elementary at 10 years old. The girls were talking about how they were already shaving. I hadn’t started yet until shortly after that (the peer pressure). I don’t think I even asked my mom, I just did it.”

“I tried to start at around 8. My mom taught me how to shave after I got my period around 10. Most likely than not, she’s going to try to remove it herself if it bothers her enough. Show her good techniques and how to keep clean. And all the basics that come with using and owning a razor.”

“Shaving really isn’t that big of a deal if she feels as though she is ready to shave and it is noticeable please show her how to do it, the right way. No one showed me and it sucked. I would recommend the battery first, less chance of hurting.”

“I think your should let her she came to you. Teach her the right way. You can have some bonding time.”

“I started about 10 or 11 years old. Let the child shave! It’s embarrassing to have hair that can be seen.”

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