Mamas Uncut

What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You as a Parent?

By: Maria Hayes

Everyone knows their Zodiac sign. It’s one of the most common astrological concepts we know as a species. Like looking to understand compatible signs with Virgo, Zodiac signs are common knowledge.

It’s not by any means absolute or definitive. There are plenty of people whose personalities don’t match their Zodiac sign’s prediction. However, it is frequently correct; we wouldn’t remember it otherwise.

But they say parenthood changes some people. It does and doesn’t; parenthood changes how one can live their life. After all, they’ve got a lovely new person to look after and change diapers on now.

What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You as a Parent?

First-time parents will really find there’s much unknown to them. Not just about their baby; about themselves, specifically. Will they find that they’re the confident parent who never, ever has to doubt their parental decisions? Maybe they’re the kind who stay up late for three nights in a row because they’re fourth-guessing something they said?

There are so many variables in play that it would be nice to have any kind of assurance. Understanding your own Zodiac sign may just help with that! Take for example the possibility that you’re a Taurus man.

Taurus in general is a sign that has a reputation for grounded thought and stubborn care. As a dad, you’d think that a Taurus dad probably is very practical in his child-rearing. He’s also probably the kind of dad who won’t change his mind once he makes it up.

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However you think of it, it’s possible that your personality as a parent is predictable through your Zodiac sign. Give it a shot! You may find a pleasant surprise in your Zodiac and your parenting style.


Passionate and determined, this parent is out to help her kids excel. There’s no doubt; they’ll do just about anything to get the kids a good life. However, the Aries parent must beware. They should take care not to make all the decisions for their kids. Don’t over-emphasize competition in their lives.


Despite the symbol being a bull, you can trust a Taurus parent to take none of it. A Taurus parent is goal-oriented and focused by nature. Because of this, you can trust that Taurus parents will reward their children for a job well done. However, they need to take care not to make it an obvious habit. Otherwise, their children will only do things for reward, not because of the task’s inherent value.


Social parents for sure, Gemini parents love to engage their children and play. Great and connecting conversations with their kids is an addictive hit of serotonin every time. Because of this, a familial connection is easy. However, Gemini parents need to remember they must provide structure. Don’t be the kind of parent that sets 0 boundaries.


You’re most likely to see a Cancer parent form the strongest attachment to their children. After all, they were almost certainly mistaken for parents to begin with. Their maternal personality does make them take the role a little too seriously though. So a better Cancer parent would try to relax a little and not strangle the kids with your love.


Leos will thrive in a parental role! Provided, of course, that they recognize that it’s not all about having authority. Pride is a common trait in Leos. So they need to curb this and approach their children with a little more humility. Try taking a step back from parenting daily and recharging. Going outdoors usually helps.


Attention to detail and memory are key traits of the Virgo parent. They’ll know everything from the kid’s birthday to his favorite stuffed toy. Unfortunately, that attention to detail can mean the Virgo parent hyper-focuses on small things. Self-judgment for not being as efficient as other parents can stymie the Virgo parent. So don’t set the bar impossibly high.


Libra parents see the beauty of the world in everything! They’re great at creating serene and beautiful environments for their kids. However, they need to learn to stop smelling the flowers sometimes and focus on daily operations. Learning the beauty of details and nitty-gritty is a great pick-up for a Libra parent.


Like every other aspect of life, Scorpio parents crave nothing less than to succeed. Who doesn’t want that? However, Scorpios have the advantage of a powerful intuition. However, that powerful intuition can lead to a drive to control everything. Don’t do that. You’ll have no trouble talking your kid through difficulties, but ease up sometimes.


Sagittarius parents probably always followed the rules their own parents set. So they expect the same from their kids. This sets a fantastic structure in the lives of their children, but try not to be so dogmatic in your rules. Remember that spontaneity and fun have a place in your kids’ lives and your own.


Capricorn parents have a to-do list for sure and they will do everything to check it all off. There’s never quite enough time in a day for a Capricorn parent, so schedule downtime. Don’t set an impossible pace as a parent or an impossible standard. Being hard on yourself doesn’t help. You’re probably doing a much better job than you think!


Aquarius parents are unconventional by nature. As rebels and humanitarians themselves, the Aquarius parents are often eccentric. They also probably think outside the box a lot and will encourage their children to do the same. Of course, you’ll have to figure out when to set boundaries with your children. Drawing that line is important as you help them chase their dreams.


Creative Pisces parents never run out of great stories to tell the kids and lull them to sleep. Deep connections are also simple for them and feeding their kid’s imagination is easy too. However, like Cancer, Pisces can get too lost in being a parent. Schedule in some downtime for yourself and teach your kids the value of self-care. It’ll save you and them so much stress in the future!

Maria Hayes is an Astrologer and Author. With 38 years of astrology and fortune-telling experience, she has helped thousands of clients over the world to change their lives thanks to her gift. She’s on a mission to change the world, one person at a time using astrology and tarot reading. You can follow her on social media here.

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