Mamas Uncut

Search Warrant Reveals What Alec Baldwin and Halyna Hutchins Were Doing As Tragedy Struck


A new affidavit revealed that the gun Alec Baldwin was handed while rehearsing for his newest movie Rust was used previously by crew members. Prior to being given to Alec Baldwin for rehearsals, the prop gun was allegedly used for target practice.

As Mamas Uncut previously reported, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins died on October 21 after she was accidentally shot in the chest during that rehearsal. According to an additional affidavit, everyone on set believed the prop gun was a “cold gun” when it was handed to Baldwin during rehearsal. 

Search Warrant Reveals What Alec Baldwin and Halyna Hutchins Were Doing As Tragedy Struck

Sadly, the prop gun did have a live round in it which struck Hutchins, killing her and injuring the movie’s director. Hutchins was just 42 years old. She leaves behind a husband and a 9-year-old son.

RELATED: Alec Baldwin Is Stepping Away From All Current Projects Following On-Set Tragedy

New Search Warrant Reveals What Alec Baldwin and Halyna Hutchins Were Doing As Tragedy Struck

Now, new reports by TMZ are revealing that the gun had been used for target practice before it was placed on a rolling cart prepared by armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. And according to Fox News, a search warrant executed by the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s office is revealing what Baldwin was doing prior to the tragedy occurring.


As the warrant revealed, Baldwin and the crew were “setting up a shot that required Baldwin to cross-draw a revolver and point the weapon at the camera.” But before they could get the practice shot, the crew realized they had to reposition the camera due to a shadow.

It was while that was happening that the warrant revealed Baldwin was working with Joel Souza and Halyna Hutchins on how he was going to draw the revolver. It was during that discussion that the prop run went off.

Souza explained in his own words that he heard a noise that sounded like a whip and then a loud pop.” It was then that he saw Hutchins “grab her midsection” as she stumbled backward. 


Hutchins was standing in front of Souza at the time and she “was assisted to the ground” by other crew members. Camera operator Reid Russell further recalled in the warrant that Hutchins told those around her that she could not feel her legs. 

On-site paramedics tended to Hutchins before she was airlifted to the University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She would later be pronounced dead.

Souza also recalls assistant director Dave Halls calling out “cold gun” before it was handed to Baldwin for the rehearsal. Souza went on to say that live ammunition shouldn’t have been anywhere near that set.

The investigation is still ongoing.

In addition to this, Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria, has also issued a short statement for the first time since the tragedy. “My heart is with Halyna, her husband, her son, their family, and loved ones. And my Alec. It’s said, ‘There are no words’ because it’s impossible to express the shock and heartache of such a tragic accident, heartbreaking, loss, support.”

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