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Waitress Refuses To Serve a Family Mac & Cheese Because Kid Gets Sick Every Time

It’s no secret that restaurant workers are treated like actual trash by diners who give little to no thought about the people who are serving them. One waitress recently shared a story about a family who she considers her “regulars.” It will curl your hair!

In a post shared on Reddit, the server asked “AITA?” after she refused to serve the family their usual order which included mac and cheese for one of the family’s children. But, there’s more to her story than just that.

After Cleaning Up Vomit Every Time the Family Dines At Her Restaurant, a Waitress Refused to Serve Them Mac and Cheese.

Waitress Refuses To Serve a Family Mac & Cheese Because Kid Vomits It Up Every Time

“I’m a waitress at a restaurant chain know for their ice cream,” the Reddit post begins. She explains that one family, who she called her “regulars” as they regularly sit in her section and she waits on them, do not have any reservations about their child literally losing his lunch.

“Every time they come in they order their youngest child Mac and cheese,” she writes. “The first time I served them, the child threw up all over the booth. I didn’t think much of it, just that he was sick or had an upset stomach. I clean up the booth.”


“The next time was the same thing. Mac and cheese then puke. Again in the booth and on the table.”

It’s apparently a regular occurrence that happens every single time the family comes, the waitress said. “The kid never gets to the bathroom, and most the time he doesn’t even make an attempt to leave the table. I believe once he started walking to the bathroom.”


The waitress then goes on to explain about the latest visit she received from the family. “This most recent time they came in and I was their waitress the child went to order Mac and cheese again, and I asked the mom. ‘Is he okay to have that? He gets sick every time….’ the mom said ‘Oh yah Kraft Mac and Cheese makes him sick, but he wants it.’ I said ‘ma’am, I’m sorry but I don’t think your child should order this if you know he’s going to puke from eating it. And quite frankly I really don’t want to have to clean up vomit tonight.'”

The server said the mom threw a fit at her which caused the waitress to double down, “Why are you allowing your child to order a food that makes him sick, just to have someone else clean it up.”

Her manager was called over and they agreed with the server. The family ordered chicken fingers and fries for their child instead.


“Was I in the wrong for not wanting/allowing him to order the Mac and cheese that makes him sick?” the waitress asked readers. “I’ve shared this story with a few people and I’ve had some mixed reactions. AITA?”

Needless to say, there have been some strong reactions to the post on Reddit with many people declaring that she was NTA, and not in the wrong.


“NTA I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing,” one person replied. “I can guarantee the mother isn’t giving her child mac n cheese at home. But since she doesn’t have to clean up the mess she doesn’t care … Sounds like bad parenting.”

“I’m honestly mostly baffled that the kid still wants Mac n cheese,” another person added. “I threw up apple juice once when I was like 8 years old and I couldn’t drink apple juice for the next ten years or so.”

“In my view it’s not just ‘bad parenting’ it’s flat out abuse or neglect. So NTA. What in the hell?” yet another person bluntly put it.

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We looked through hundreds of the replies and you would be hard-pressed to find a single person who thought the waitress was wrong in the situation. There’s a common joke (maybe not a joke) among servers that every person should be forced to wait tables before being able to actually go out and eat. The thinking behind this is that if someone else knew what it was like they would be more understanding and treat restaurant staff with more civility.

Beyond being better to one another, do right by your kids as well. We do not know who needs to hear this, but, if a certain food makes your child sick, spare the child discomfort and do not let them eat the food.

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