Mamas Uncut

I’m Struggling with Virtual Learning and Feel Like I’m Going to Lose It: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about virtual learning. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many families are struggling to adjust to virtual learning vs. in-person school, and this mom is no exception. She has two kids who have virtual school. She is required to be present with both at the same time because they are young and need her help. She is struggling with the schedule and organizing, and she is reaching the end of her patience with this new system of learning. Any advice for this mom on how to make virtual learning at home easier for both her and her children?

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 5 Steps to Help Your Kids Master Virtual Learning

A member of the community asks:

“I am struggling with virtual learning: Advice?”

“Is anyone else struggling with virtual learning? I have two kids, and I cannot keep up with the times they need to be on. I have to be with both of them at all times because they are in elementary school and need my help, and I honestly feel like I am going to lose it, and it is only the first week of this. What are some ways I can make this easier for all of us?

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Struggling with Virtual Learning

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

I'm Struggling with Virtual Learning and Feel Like I'm Going to Lose It: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Just do what you can. I have an autistic/hyperlexic first grader with 5 different zoom meetings a day plus another 2 hours of “independent” work to submit that he won’t even attempt without me sitting right next to him… all to be accomplished while I’m working from home with management monitoring my productivity to the minute…

… I log him into the zoom meetings and let him take the tablet while I work. If he doesn’t pay attention or disrupts the session, I’m no longer worrying about it. I can’t do it all and neither can you. Pick your battles, momma, and don’t feel bad. It’s not gonna be a good year but better ones will come, just get through. Hang in there — this won’t be forever.”

“Teach them how to log in themselves. Practice with them. Set alarms. I spent the first few days teaching my 1st grader how to access everything and she’s been picking up very quickly. I have alarms set for 10 mins before her meetings so we can get supplies and set up. I have 2 older ones that are completely independent and a toddler plus I do distance learning from home for my students so we have a lot going on here but with practice, trial/ error we’ve gotten a pretty good routine going.”

“Start with a good planner! Write it all down in your planner and set reminders on your phone. Set up a workspace for both of them close together so you can be there to supervise both at the same time.”

“I’m right there with you. I have a Kindergartner and one in Pre-K. Granted the Pre-K is voluntary, he’s only 3, but trying to get everything accomplished is a nightmare. We just moved into a new house so I am unpacking boxes and school makes me want to cry every day.”

“I just wanna say you can do it, mama! I’m struggling way hard with my 6th grader & tomorrow is only the start of the second week. I just keep telling myself… you can do this! Prayers & good vibes your way!”

“Just got to do your best I guess. We haven’t started yet, we start Sept 8 and I have a 9th grader, 8th grader, 7th grader, kindergartener, and preschooler and tack on a 3-month-old while breastfeeding. I know I don’t have this. And my 8th grader can’t be trusted on the internet.”

“We haven’t started virtual learning yet and I’m so nervous to. For starters, I am having her learn how to log in and get on by herself without me typing in everything. Other than that, lol, I’m not even sure how I’m going to do it yet lol.”

“Color coordinate calendar with times. One color for each kid, in the most visible area for where you do school.”

“Get as organized as you can. Write down times and such. It will help.”

“Routine and organization. It will get easier.”

“So I’ve done a couple things to keep us organized and on task. I added the zoom links to the google calendar. I have a big schedule on the wall, along with this clock that I purchased bc we take breaks in between classes.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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