Mamas Uncut

Video Catches a Comedian Being Heckled Then Having a Full Beer Being Chucked at Her Head


People are in awe over a heckler attempting to physically harm a comedian. As a video now going viral shows, the heckling had political motivations.

In the video, the heckler questions the comedian Ariel Elias while she was on stage at Uncle Vinnie’s Comedy Club, asking, “Did you vote for Donald Trump?” Elias tries to make light of the situation by replying with a question of her own, saying, “Why would you ask me that knowing I’m the only Jew in this room? Are you trying to get me killed?!”

Video Catches a Comedian Being Heckled Then Having a Full Beer Being Chucked at Her Head

“So you voted for Biden?” the heckler continues. “I dunno. What does it matter?” Elias retorts. “Yes, you did!” the heckler continues. “I could just tell by your jokes you voted for Biden.”

To which Elias got everyone’s attention by replying, “I can tell by the fact that you’re still talking when nobody wants you to that you voted for Trump.” Elias’s response got several cheers, especially when she pulled the crowd asking them to continue to make some noise “if they want the woman to shut up.”

This angered the heckler and her group who then got physical by chucking a full beer at Elias. Thankfully, the beer didn’t hit the comedian but the brick wall directly behind her.

Elias was visibly shocked at the moment but recovered nicely by picking up the can of beer and chugging what was left of it. “Oh my god!” you can hear people in the crowd say. “You can’t do that!”

In an interview with BuzzFeed, Elias explained what she was thinking at that moment. “At first I was in shock. Did that really just happen?” she told BuzzFeed. 

“And then I saw the beer can and I was like, I mean, I have to drink this. Like, there’s nothing else I can do with this. This is the only way to recover. I have to drink it. So I drank it!”

Elias, like the professional she is, managed to then seamlessly continue her set, despite all the chaos. Dino Ibelli told BuzzFeed News that the heckler and her male partner quickly left the venue. Ilbelli also alleged that it was the male partner who threw the beer can. 

Video Catches a Comedian Being Heckled Then Having a Full Beer Being Chucked at Her Head

Nonetheless, Ibelli was able to identify both patrons and has been in touch with local police. 

Several big-name comedians came to Elias’s defense and praised her for how she handled it all. “Umm…SO MANY things to say about this but the big takeaway is that @ariel_Comedy is super funny and total class,” Jim Gaffigan wrote.

“For all y’all who want to make fun of comics for saying we didn’t sign up to be physically attacked and put on a pedestal, take a peekie poo. @Ariel_Comedy you’re a class act,” Whitney Cummings added.

Now Ariel is able to make light of the situation:

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Elias told BuzzFeed she appreciates all the support, adding that “It feels nice to have any positive recognition.” Thankfully, Elias is doing well, although she’s still feeling the adrenaline rush from it all.

“Fwiw the club is pressing charges against the guy and booked me to come back in April,” Elias said on Twitter.

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