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Valerie Bertinelli Opens Up About Her ‘Healing Journey’ Following Her Divorce From Tom Vitale Last Year

Valerie Bertinelli Opens Up About Her ‘Healing Journey’ Following Her Divorce From Tom Vitale Last Year

via Shutterstock (Joe Seer)

Valerie Bertinelli is ending her 2023 with… no regrets! At least that’s what her TikTok filter claimed and, judging by her reaction – which involved her saying ‘Yep!’ before dancing around to ‘Cruel Summer’ by Taylor Swift – the 63-year-old is all for it! Considering the turmoil she’s been under, she deserves it!

In the caption, Bertinelli updated her fans and followers on her healing journey, which has been her sole focus since divorcing Tom Vitale. “I think in the midst of a healing journey, we forget to pat ourselves on the back and really look back at how far we’ve come. I know I have been guilty of that,” she wrote. 

The couple met in 2004, got engaged in 2010, and tied the knot on New Year’s Day in 2011. They were married for 10 years before Bertinelli filed for separation in Nov. 2021 – the divorce was filed in May 2022 and finalized in Nov. 2022. They never had kids together, but both have kids from previous relationships.

RELATED: Valerie Bertinelli is Officially a Single Woman After Her Divorce From Tom Vitale is Finalized

Valerie Bertinelli continued to open up in her caption and talked about ‘those little tiny voices that want to start beating me up again’ – asking herself how she ‘tolerated the intolerable’ and calling herself ‘stupid’ because she ‘should’ve known better.’ Those voices often call her an ‘idiot’ for being fooled for so long. 

The good news? Those voices aren’t really there anymore and she’s learning to overcome them. “I can really, truly give myself compassion because I know I was doing my best to love, to be generous, to be compassionate, and have patience, even though I was never given the same respect,” she wrote. 

The way she sees it, those voices are just a steady reminder that we must ‘give all that love, generosity, compassion, and patience to ourselves first.’ Now that she’s doing that, she’s seeing the results – adding that she’s feeling the ‘pure peace and joy of existing’ and for once in her life, she knows she deserves it. 

And she wants her fans and followers to know that they deserve it too. “You deserve all the peace and kindness that you give. The more gratitude we feel for the good, the bad, and the ugly, the healthier and happier we get,” she concluded – reminding her followers to stay grateful and live life with ‘no ragrets.’ 

Valerie Bertinelli Celebrates the End of Dry July

On July 30 (one day before posting her ‘no regrets’ video/caption), Valerie Bertinelli was celebrating the end of her Dry July – which is when someone abstains from alcohol for an entire month (in this case, July). It’s something she has experimented with recently, first jumping on the bandwagon in January.

In January, she explained her reasoning for cutting out alcohol for a month – noting that she wanted to cut down on her sugar cravings and reduce the stress in her body (two things that seemed to grow worse when alcohol was consumed). While she still drinks on occasion, these ‘dry months’ keep her in check.

And she sees a lot of benefits, as well. Under her most recent ‘Dry July’ post, one of her fans asked about the advantages she sees from the trend – to which Valerie replied, “better sleep for the most part, weight loss, less brain fog, more energy…” Of course, those are all perfectly-good reasons to give it a try!

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“It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got. Summer may not be my favorite season, but Sheryl Crow’s wise words can apply to absolutely everything in life. So I’m crackin’ open a bevy, nonalcoholic ofc, and enjoying what is,” Valerie Bertinelli wrote in the caption. Cheers to staying healthy!

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