Mamas Uncut

150 Unique Middle Names for Girls

Finding the perfect first name is the tough part but, when it comes to middle names, you can relax a little bit! Unique middle names for girls are aplenty and many of them are going to sound good with just about any other first or last name. The key is to find versatile baby names and, more often than not, you want them to be two syllables or fewer. After all, too much name is going to sound extravagant which is the last thing many modern parents want. But, please dance to the beat of your own drum!

Unique middle names come from a variety of inspirations that range from names that evoke the natural world to time-tested classics that honor family heritage. Remember that middle names are an opportunity to give a name even more character to add charm and express your family’s values. So, feel free to get a little loose and give your little girl a unique middle name that she’ll be proud of!

Check Out These Unique Middle Names for Girls to Add Even More Character to a Name!

Unique Middle Names Inspired by Nature

150 Unique Middle Names for Girls

Nature names are wildly popular today. While some parents shy from these appellations as first names because they sound too granola, they might be the perfect fit as a middle option. Here are our favorite unique middle names for girls from nature.

Unique Middle Names for Girls From Birth Months

Months of birth also make for unique middle names for girls. You can choose a month or season to make the name extra special and even more meaningful to your little one.

Trendy & Unique Middle Names for Girls

Trendy baby names are fabulous as evident in their rise in popularity. Trendy names for girls are excellent, however, you might find that your daughter is in a class with many other girls who share the same name. A great option is to throw that appellation you love into the middle spot!

More Trendy Middle Names for Girls

Let’s keep going with more unique middle names for girls that are setting trends left and right today.

Even More Trendy, Yet Unique Middle Names for Girls

Okay, so we love these trendy names for girls as middle names. By giving a name like these, she has the option later in life to go by her cute middle name instead of her first, so beware!

French Middle Names for Girls

You might love a certain language or want to honor your heritage with a middle name. Let’s look at some unique middle names for girls with French origins.

Italian Middle Names for Girls

Let’s keep going with unique middle names from other languages. We found some lovely imports from Italy that parents will love.

RELATED: 101 Italian Middle Names

Spanish Middle Names for Girls

Moving right along to some more unique middle names for girls. Now, we will treat you to some beloved Spanish names for girls.

Rare Irish Names as Middle Names

There are so many beloved Irish and/or Celtic names in the US today. But, if you’re looking for unique middle names for girls, you might have to dig a little to find the rare ones. Check out our finds!

  • Aoife – Meaning “beautiful”
  • Fiadh – Meaning “wild”
  • Keely – Meaning “beautiful”
  • Moya – Meaning “water”
  • Oona – Meaning “lamb” or “one”
  • Niamh – Meaning “radiance”

Persian Middle Names for Girls

Names from Persian origins are gorgeous and would make for a great choice for any family, but especially to honor your heritage.

Truly Unique Middle Names for Girls That Are a Bit ‘Out There’

You might really want something special for your daughter’s middle name. We encourage you to get a little weird with it for the most notable name!

More Unique Middle Names for Parents Who Aren’t Shy

Really, get really fun with your unique middle name ideas. The middle name is an opportunity to express things you feel you can’t with a first.

Swing for the Fences Middle Names

When we say “swing for the fences” we just mean, these names really give it their all. They are offbeat and fun and most importantly, unique!

Unique Middle Names for Girls Inspired by Heroes

Look to your heroes for baby name inspiration! These can be artists, musicians, leaders, or even sports legends.

‘Boy Names”‘ as Unique Middle Names for Girls

Some names are associated with boys more than girls. Messing around with that fact can really pay off. Just look at Blake Lively or Stevie Nicks.

More ‘Boy Names’ As Middle Names for Girls

These are just so fun! Let’s take a look at some more “boy names” that make for unique middle names for girls.

Surnames Make Unique Middle Names for Girls

You can’t go wrong with a family surname as a middle name. They offer meaning and something special that your daughter can keep with her forever. Or, you can choose a fabulous-sounding surname to make the name sound more established.

More Unique Middle Names for Girls from Surnames

Let’s take a look at another round of surnames that are going to sound excellent in the middle spot.

Rare Biblical Names Make for Unique Middle Names for Girls

For whatever reason, some names from the Bible are huge today while others have never taken off. Let’s take a look at some unsung Biblical names that would be perfect in the middle.

Get Whimsical with Fairy Names

Fairy tale names or just names that mean “fairy” make for very fun and unique middle names for girls that offer plenty of magic. Don’t believe us? Check out these playful options!

Goddess & Mythology Names

Turn to classic Greek and Roman mythology and you’ve got yourself some very distinguished and storied names. They make for very unique middle names for girls.

More Goddess & Mythology Names

Don’t these make for exciting and unique middle names for girls? Let’s continue you with even more classic appellations with a touch of magic.

Space Names Are Hot Right Now

With all of the new developments around the exploration of Mars, parents are turning more and more to space baby names. They’re often secular which is another fashionable quality these days. Check out these unique middle names for girls inspired by the stars!

Unique Middle Names for Girls Inspired by Music

Many of us live for good music. If you are a parent who loves music, consider letting your passion inspire unique middle names for girls! Check out these hits!

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 75 Obliging Middle Names for Olivia

The Best Unique Middle Names for Girls

What unique middle names for girls are the “best”? The ones that feel the most right to you! Here are some of our favorite middle names ever.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these unique middle names for girls and have a better idea about the direction you want to take for your baby girl. Unique middle names do not require you to dig too deep. Just choose a name that you love and don’t come across in everyday life. You can choose to honor your heritage, get weird with it, try a name for boys, or go with a family surname. Go wild!

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