Mamas Uncut

50 Unique Biblical Names Parents Don’t Use as Often as They Should

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The Bible, a collection of sacred texts central to Judaism and Christianity, was written in both Hebrew and Aramaic, and was composed over a period of about 1,000 years, from roughly 1200 BCE to 100 BCE.

The Hebrew Bible (or the Old Testament in Christianity), is the oldest part of the Bible – with the first five books, known as the Torah (or Pentateuch), being attributed to Moses and the history of the Israelites.

Other books, known as the Prophets (Nevi’im) and Writings (Ketuvim), were written after the Torah – and together, these three books (known as the Tanakh) make up the canonical collection of Jewish texts. 

RELATED: 30 Unique Biblical Names for Boys

The New Testament, written in Greek, emerged in the first century CE and followed Jesus of Nazareth. It comprises 27 books, including the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. 

But here’s a surprising fact about the Bible that most people might find surprising…

There are approximately 3,000 to 3,500 unique names in the Bible – including about 3,000 personal names (such as Abraham, David, and Mary) and 500+ place names (such as Jerusalem and Babylon).

25 Unique Biblical Names for Your Future Son

50 Unique Biblical Names Parents Don’t Use as Often as They Should
via Shutterstock (Kehinde Olufemi Akinbo)

Are you expecting a baby boy in the near future? Are you having a hard time picking out a baby name that you and your significant other both agree on? Do you have a soft spot for unique Biblical names? 

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, then don’t worry – you’ve come to the right place!

While names like Joseph, John, Jesus, Matthew, James, Elijah, and Michael are still used today, many parents are more interested in looking for unique Biblical names that you don’t see or hear very often. 

With that said, let’s take a look at 25 of our favorite unique Biblical names for your newborn baby boy!

25. Zebulun

Origin: Zebulun is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Zebulun is derived from the Hebrew word “Zəḇulun,” which is believed to be related to the word “zabal,” meaning “to honor” or “to dwell.”

Meaning: The name Zebulun translates to “dwelling” or “honor.”

Significance: In the Bible, Zebulun is the sixth son of Jacob and Leah, and the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His birth is recorded in Genesis 30:19-20, where Leah expresses her joy, believing that her husband Jacob will now honor her. 

24. Mahlon

Origin: Mahlon is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Mahlon is derived from the Hebrew word “machal,” meaning “sickness.”

Meaning: The name Mahlon translates to “sickness” or “weakness.”

Significance: In the Bible, Mahlon is the elder son of Elimelech and Naomi, and the husband of Ruth. His death, along with that of his brother Chilion, leaves Ruth and her mother-in-law Naomi as widows, setting the stage for Ruth’s eventual marriage to Boaz, as recorded in the Book of Ruth.

23. Chilion

Origin: Chilion is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Chilion is derived from the Hebrew word “kilyon,” meaning “destruction” or “consumption.”

Meaning: The name Chilion translates to “frailty” or “fading.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Chilion is the younger son of Elimelech and Naomi, and the husband of Orpah. Like his brother Mahlon, he dies in Moab, leaving his wife a widow. His death is mentioned in the Book of Ruth, which highlights the struggles of his mother Naomi and her daughters-in-law.

22. Jotham

Origin: Jotham is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Jotham is derived from the Hebrew words “Yah” (referring to God) and “tam,” meaning “perfect” or “upright.”

Meaning: The name Jotham translates to “God is perfect” or “the Lord is upright.”

Significance: In the Bible, Jotham is the son of King Uzziah and the eleventh king of Judah. He is known for his righteous reign, during which he strengthened the kingdom and maintained the worship of God. His story is found in 2 Kings 15 and 2 Chronicles 27.

21. Uzziah

Origin: Uzziah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Uzziah is derived from the Hebrew words “oz,” meaning “strength,” and “Yah” (referring to God).

Meaning: The name Uzziah translates to “God is my strength” or “the Lord is my strength.”

Significance: In the Bible, Uzziah is the tenth king of Judah, also known as Azariah. He reigned for 52 years and was initially a good king who sought God, leading to prosperity for Judah. However, his pride led to his downfall when he unlawfully entered the temple to burn incense, resulting in him being struck with leprosy, as described in 2 Chronicles 26.

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20. Eliab

Origin: Eliab is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Eliab is derived from the Hebrew words “El,” meaning “God,” and “ab,” meaning “father.”

Meaning: The name Eliab translates to “God is my father.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Eliab is the eldest son of Jesse and the elder brother of King David. He is mentioned in 1 Samuel 16 when Samuel comes to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as king. Eliab is initially assumed to be God’s choice due to his appearance, but God tells Samuel to look beyond outward appearances.

19. Timon

Origin: Timon is of Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Timon is derived from the Greek word “timē,” meaning “honor.”

Meaning: The name Timon translates to “honor” or “respect.”

Significance: In the Bible, Timon is one of the seven men chosen by the apostles to assist in the daily distribution to the needy in the early Christian church, as recorded in Acts 6:5. He was appointed to help ensure fair distribution among the Greek-speaking and Hebrew-speaking Jewish Christians.

18. Ananias

Origin: Ananias is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Ananias is derived from the Hebrew name “Hananiah,” meaning “Yahweh has been gracious.”

Meaning: The name Ananias translates to “God has favored” or “God is gracious.”

Significance: In the Bible, Ananias is a disciple in Damascus who was instructed by God in a vision to heal Saul (later known as Paul) of his blindness after his conversion on the road to Damascus. This event is recorded in Acts 9. Ananias’s obedience to God played a crucial role in the early spread of Christianity.

17. Lazarus

Origin: Lazarus is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Lazarus is derived from the Hebrew name “Eliezer,” meaning “God is my help.”

Meaning: The name Lazarus translates to “God has helped.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Lazarus is a close friend of Jesus who lived in Bethany with his sisters Mary and Martha. He is best known for being raised from the dead by Jesus after being in the tomb for four days, as described in John 11. This miracle demonstrated Jesus’ power over death and foreshadowed His own resurrection.

16. Zohar

Origin: Zohar is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Zohar is derived from the Hebrew word “zohar,” meaning “brightness” or “splendor.”

Meaning: The name Zohar translates to “brightness” or “radiance.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Zohar is the father of Ephron the Hittite, who sold the cave of Machpelah to Abraham as a burial place for Sarah. This transaction is recorded in Genesis 23 and is significant as it represents the first piece of land owned by Abraham in Canaan.

15. Ephron

Origin: Ephron is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Ephron is derived from the Hebrew word “ʿepher,” meaning “dust” or “fawn-like.”

Meaning: The name Ephron translates to “fawn-like” or “dust.”

Significance: In the Bible, Ephron is a Hittite who owned the field and cave of Machpelah. He sold the cave to Abraham as a burial site for Sarah, marking a significant moment in Abraham’s life and establishing a family burial place. This event is detailed in Genesis 23.

14. Jemuel

Origin: Jemuel is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Jemuel is derived from the Hebrew words “yom,” meaning “day,” and “El,” meaning “God.”

Meaning: The name Jemuel translates to “day of God.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Jemuel is one of the sons of Simeon, the second son of Jacob and Leah. Jemuel is listed among the descendants of Simeon in Genesis 46:10, as the family of Jacob moved to Egypt during the famine.

13. Mordecai

Origin: Mordecai is of Hebrew origin, though it may have Persian influences.

Derivation: The name Mordecai is derived from the Hebrew name “Mordekhay,” possibly related to the god Marduk.

Meaning: The name Mordecai translates to “follower of Marduk” or “warrior.”

Significance: In the Bible, Mordecai is the cousin and adoptive father of Esther, the Jewish queen of King Ahasuerus of Persia. He is a central figure in the Book of Esther, known for his role in uncovering a plot to kill the king and for his refusal to bow to Haman, which led to the events celebrated during the Jewish festival of Purim.

12. Silvanus

Origin: Silvanus is of Latin origin.

Derivation: The name Silvanus is derived from the Latin word “silva,” meaning “forest” or “wood.”

Meaning: The name Silvanus translates to “of the forest” or “woodland.”

Significance: In the Bible, Silvanus is a companion and fellow worker of the Apostle Paul. He is also known as Silas in the Book of Acts, where he accompanies Paul on his missionary journeys. He is mentioned in several of Paul’s letters, including 1 and 2 Thessalonians and 1 Peter, where he is noted for his faithful service.

11. Zaccai

Origin: Zaccai is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Zaccai is derived from the Hebrew root “zaka,” meaning “pure” or “innocent.”

Meaning: The name Zaccai translates to “pure” or “innocent.”

Significance: In the Bible, Zaccai is mentioned as one of the ancestors of some of the returned exiles who helped rebuild Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity. His name is listed in Nehemiah 7:14 among those who came back from exile.

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10. Jubal

Origin: Jubal is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Jubal is derived from the Hebrew word “yobel,” meaning “ram’s horn” or “jubilee.”

Meaning: The name Jubal translates to “ram’s horn” or “music.”

Significance: In the Bible, Jubal is described as the father of all who play the harp and flute, making him a pioneer in music. He is one of the descendants of Cain and is mentioned in Genesis 4:21 as part of the early generations of humanity.

9. Adlai

Origin: Adlai is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Adlai is derived from the Hebrew word “adlay,” meaning “justice” or “refuge.”

Meaning: The name Adlai translates to “God is just” or “God’s ornament.”

Significance: In the Bible, Adlai is mentioned as the father of Shaphat, who was one of King David’s chief herdsmen. This brief mention is found in 1 Chronicles 27:29, highlighting the roles of those who managed the king’s livestock.

8. Abishai

Origin: Abishai is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Abishai is derived from the Hebrew words “ab,” meaning “father,” and “shay,” meaning “gift.”

Meaning: The name Abishai translates to “my father is a gift.”

Significance: In the Bible, Abishai is the son of Zeruiah, David’s sister, and one of David’s mighty warriors. He is known for his bravery and loyalty to David, playing key roles in several military exploits. His story is detailed in 2 Samuel, where he is often seen supporting David in critical moments.

7. Ammiel

Origin: Ammiel is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Ammiel is derived from the Hebrew words “am,” meaning “people,” and “El,” meaning “God.”

Meaning: The name Ammiel translates to “people of God.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Ammiel is the father of Bathsheba, the wife of King David and the mother of Solomon. He is also referred to as Eliam in some texts. Ammiel’s connection to Bathsheba makes him part of the lineage leading to the Davidic dynasty, as mentioned in 1 Chronicles 3:5.

6. Jethro

Origin: Jethro is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Jethro is derived from the Hebrew word “yitro,” meaning “abundance” or “excellence.”

Meaning: The name Jethro translates to “excellence” or “overflow.”

Significance: In the Bible, Jethro is the father-in-law of Moses and the priest of Midian. He is known for advising Moses to appoint judges to help him govern the Israelites, as described in Exodus 18. Jethro’s wisdom helped establish an early judicial system among the Israelites.

5. Zacchaeus

Origin: Zacchaeus is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Zacchaeus is derived from the Hebrew word “zakkay,” meaning “pure” or “innocent.”

Meaning: The name Zacchaeus translates to “pure” or “clean.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Zacchaeus is a chief tax collector in Jericho who climbs a sycamore tree to see Jesus as He passes by. Jesus visits Zacchaeus’ house, leading to Zacchaeus’ repentance and restitution. His story is found in Luke 19:1-10 and illustrates themes of redemption and transformation.

4. Gideon

Origin: Gideon is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Gideon is derived from the Hebrew word “gid’on,” meaning “hewer” or “one who cuts down.”

Meaning: The name Gideon translates to “mighty warrior” or “he who cuts down.”

Significance: In the Bible, Gideon is a judge and military leader raised by God to deliver Israel from the oppression of the Midianites. His story, found in Judges 6-8, highlights his initial reluctance, his testing of God’s will with the fleece, and his eventual victory with a small army, which demonstrated God’s power.

3. Shiloh

Origin: Shiloh is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Shiloh is derived from the Hebrew word “shalo,” meaning “tranquil” or “peaceful.”

Meaning: The name Shiloh translates to “place of peace” or “his gift.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Shiloh is a prophetic reference to the coming Messiah, as mentioned in Genesis 49:10 in Jacob’s blessing of his son Judah. The term “Shiloh” is interpreted by many as a title for the one to whom the kingdom belongs, foreshadowing the reign of Christ.

2. Esau

Origin: Esau is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Esau is derived from the Hebrew word “esav,” meaning “hairy.”

Meaning: The name Esau translates to “hairy” or “rough.”

Significance: In the Bible, Esau is the elder twin brother of Jacob and the son of Isaac and Rebekah. He is known for selling his birthright to Jacob for a meal and later being deceived out of his father’s blessing. His story, found in Genesis, highlights the tensions between the brothers and the fulfillment of God’s plans.

1. Oren

Origin: Oren is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Oren is derived from the Hebrew word “oren,” meaning “pine tree.”

Meaning: The name Oren translates to “pine tree.”

Significance: In the Bible, Oren is one of the descendants of Caleb, a leader of Israel known for his faithfulness. Oren is briefly mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2:25, where his lineage is recorded among the descendants of Caleb, who was one of the spies sent by Moses to explore Canaan.

25 Unique Biblical Names for Girls

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Are you expecting a beautiful baby girl? Are you and your significant other going back and forth as you try to find a baby name that you can agree on? Do you prefer unique Biblical names over common ones? 

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of those questions, then don’t worry – we’ve got some name ideas for you!

The list below isn’t for parents who want a name like Mary, Sarah, Elizabeth, Hannah, Rebecca, or Deborah – all of which are common, but won’t satisfy the parents who like more unique Biblical names. 

Instead, the list below contains 25 Blblical names for girls that you won’t see often – if ever. 

25. Apphia

Origin: Apphia is of Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Apphia is derived from the Greek word “apfia,” which is possibly related to the Greek word for “increasing” or “fruitful.”

Meaning: The name Apphia translates to “fruitful” or “increasing.”

Significance: In the Bible, Apphia is mentioned in the Book of Philemon as one of the recipients of Paul’s letter. She is likely the wife of Philemon and a leader in the Colossian church, participating in the early Christian community’s work and possibly hosting church gatherings in her home.

24. Drusilla

Origin: Drusilla is of Latin origin.

Derivation: The name Drusilla is derived from the Roman family name “Drusus,” possibly meaning “strong” or “sturdy.”

Meaning: The name Drusilla translates to “strong” or “fruitful.”

Significance: In the Bible, Drusilla is the youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa I and the wife of Felix, the Roman governor of Judea. She is mentioned in Acts 24, where she listens to Paul’s defense of the Christian faith alongside her husband, though her ultimate response to his message is not recorded.

23. Galilee

Origin: Galilee is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Galilee is derived from the Hebrew word “Galil,” meaning “district” or “circle.”

Meaning: The name Galilee translates to “district” or “province.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Galilee is not a person but a region in northern Israel where Jesus conducted much of His ministry. The term “Galilee” is often associated with many key events in the Gospels, including the Sermon on the Mount and the site of numerous miracles.

22. Junia

Origin: Junia is of Latin origin.

Derivation: The name Junia is derived from the Latin word “Iunius,” related to the Roman god Juno.

Meaning: The name Junia translates to “youthful” or “belonging to Juno.”

Significance: In the Bible, Junia is mentioned in Romans 16:7 as a prominent figure among the apostles. Paul commends Junia, along with Andronicus, for being “outstanding among the apostles” and for coming to Christ before him, indicating her significant role in the early church.

21. Sapphira

Origin: Sapphira is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Sapphira is derived from the Hebrew word “sappir,” meaning “sapphire.”

Meaning: The name Sapphira translates to “beautiful” or “sapphire.”

Significance: In the Bible, Sapphira is the wife of Ananias, who, together with her husband, is known for lying to the Holy Spirit about the proceeds of a land sale. Their story in Acts 5 serves as a warning about deceit and the seriousness of integrity within the Christian community.

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20. Jezebel

Origin: Jezebel is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Jezebel is derived from the Hebrew name “Izevel,” which is believed to be derived from “zebel,” meaning “exalted” or “dwelling,” and “I,” meaning “not” or “without.”

Meaning: The name Jezebel has been interpreted to mean “not exalted” or “without honor.”

Significance: In the Bible, Jezebel is the wife of King Ahab of Israel and one of the most notorious figures in the Old Testament. She is known for her promotion of the worship of Baal and Asherah, leading Israel into idolatry. Jezebel’s story is marked by her fierce opposition to the prophets of God, particularly Elijah, and her role in the unjust execution of Naboth to seize his vineyard for her husband, as described in 1 Kings 21.

19. Keziah

Origin: Keziah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Keziah is derived from the Hebrew word “qetzi’ah,” meaning “cassia,” a type of fragrant spice.

Meaning: The name Keziah translates to “cinnamon-like” or “fragrant.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Keziah is one of the three daughters born to Job after his period of intense suffering. She is mentioned in Job 42:14, where her name, along with her sisters Jemima and Keren-Happuch, signifies Job’s restoration and the beauty of his latter life.

18. Tirzah

Origin: Tirzah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Tirzah is derived from the Hebrew root “ratza,” meaning “to be pleased” or “to delight.”

Meaning: The name Tirzah translates to “delight” or “pleasantness.”

Significance: In the Bible, Tirzah is one of the five daughters of Zelophehad, who, along with her sisters, petitioned Moses for the right to inherit their father’s land after his death, as he had no sons. Their story is found in Numbers 27:1-11 and represents a landmark moment in biblical law regarding women’s inheritance rights. Additionally, Tirzah is also the name of a city in the northern kingdom of Israel, which served as a royal residence for several kings, as mentioned in 1 Kings 14:17.

17. Magdalena

Origin: Magdalena is of Hebrew and Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Magdalena is derived from “Magdala,” a town on the Sea of Galilee, meaning “tower” in Hebrew.

Meaning: The name Magdalena translates to “from Magdala.”

Significance: In the Bible, Magdalena refers to Mary Magdalene, a devoted follower of Jesus who witnessed His crucifixion and was the first to see Him after His resurrection. Her story is found in all four Gospels, where she is depicted as a woman of great faith and a key witness to the resurrection.

16. Milcah

Origin: Milcah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Milcah is derived from the Hebrew word “malkah,” meaning “queen.”

Meaning: The name Milcah translates to “queen.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Milcah is the daughter of Haran and the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother. She is mentioned in Genesis 11:29 and is the grandmother of Rebekah, who would later become the wife of Isaac. Milcah’s lineage is significant in the biblical narrative, as it connects the family of Abraham to Rebekah, playing a key role in the continuation of the Abrahamic covenant.

15. Mahlah

Origin: Mahlah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Mahlah is derived from the Hebrew word “machlah,” meaning “disease” or “weakness.”

Meaning: The name Mahlah translates to “weak” or “sick.”

Significance: In the Bible, Mahlah is one of the five daughters of Zelophehad, who approached Moses to claim their inheritance rights after their father died without a male heir. Their story, found in Numbers 27, led to a change in the inheritance laws of Israel, highlighting the importance of justice for women.

14. Berenice

Origin: Berenice is of Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Berenice is derived from the Greek name “Pherenike,” meaning “bringer of victory.”

Meaning: The name Berenice translates to “victory bringer.”

Significance: In the Bible, Berenice is the daughter of Herod Agrippa I and sister of King Agrippa II. She is mentioned in Acts 25-26 when she accompanies her brother to hear Paul’s defense before the Roman governor Festus. Her relationship with her brother and her involvement in political affairs made her a notable figure in Judean history.

13. Euodia 

Origin: Euodia is of Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Euodia is derived from the Greek words “eu,” meaning “good,” and “odos,” meaning “way.”

Meaning: The name Euodia translates to “good journey” or “prosperous.”

Significance: In the Bible, Euodia is one of the women mentioned by Paul in Philippians 4:2. She, along with Syntyche, was a leader in the Philippian church. Paul urges them to resolve their differences and work together for the sake of the gospel, emphasizing the importance of unity in the church.

12. Herodias

Origin: Herodias is of Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Herodias is related to the name Herod, derived from “heros,” meaning “hero.”

Meaning: The name Herodias translates to “heroic” or “related to a hero.”

Significance: In the Bible, Herodias was the wife of Herod Antipas. She is notorious for her role in the execution of John the Baptist, as she harbored a grudge against him for condemning her marriage to Herod, which was considered unlawful.

11. Keturah

Origin: Keturah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Keturah is derived from the Hebrew word “ketoret,” meaning “incense.”

Meaning: The name Keturah translates to “incense” or “fragrance.”

Significance: In the Bible, Keturah is the wife of Abraham after the death of Sarah. She bore him six sons, who became the ancestors of various tribes. Her story is found in Genesis 25:1-4, where she is recognized as the mother of nations through Abraham.

RELATED: 30 Unique Biblical Names for Babies with Meanings

10. Noadiah 

Origin: Noadiah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Noadiah is derived from the Hebrew words “noa,” meaning “assembly,” and “Yah,” referring to God.

Meaning: The name Noadiah translates to “assembly of the Lord” or “meeting with God.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Noadiah is a prophetess mentioned in Nehemiah 6:14. However, unlike other prophetesses, she is depicted negatively, as Nehemiah accuses her of trying to intimidate him during the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls, aligning with the enemies of Israel.

9. Tryphena

Origin: Tryphena is of Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Tryphena is derived from the Greek word “tryphe,” meaning “delicacy” or “softness.”

Meaning: The name Tryphena translates to “delicate” or “luxurious.”

Significance: In the Bible, Tryphena is mentioned in Romans 16:12 along with Tryphosa. Paul acknowledges both women for their diligent work in the Lord, suggesting they were likely involved in ministry or charitable activities within the early Christian community in Rome. Their mention by Paul emphasizes their important role and the value of their contributions to the early church.

8. Tryphosa

Origin: Tryphosa is of Greek origin.

Derivation: The name Tryphosa is derived from the Greek word “tryphe,” meaning “delicacy” or “softness.”

Meaning: The name Tryphosa translates to “delicate” or “luxurious.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Tryphosa is mentioned alongside Tryphena in Romans 16:12. Paul commends both women for their hard work in the Lord, indicating their active and dedicated roles in the early Christian community in Rome. Their inclusion in Paul’s greetings highlights their significant contributions to the ministry and the importance of women in the early church.

7. Zillah

Origin: Zillah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Zillah is derived from the Hebrew word “tzel,” meaning “shade” or “shadow.”

Meaning: The name Zillah translates to “shade” or “shadow.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Zillah is one of the wives of Lamech, a descendant of Cain. She is mentioned in Genesis 4:19-23 and is the mother of Tubal-Cain, who was known for his work in forging tools out of bronze and iron.

6. Zipporah

Origin: Zipporah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Zipporah is derived from the Hebrew word “tzippor,” meaning “bird.”

Meaning: The name Zipporah translates to “bird.”

Significance: In the Bible, Zipporah is the wife of Moses and the daughter of Jethro, the priest of Midian. She plays a crucial role in an incident where she circumcises her son to save Moses from God’s wrath, as described in Exodus 4:24-26, showcasing her quick thinking and dedication to her family.

5. Athaliah

Origin: Athaliah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Athaliah is derived from the Hebrew words “athal,” meaning “Yahweh is exalted,” and “Yah,” referring to God.

Meaning: The name Athaliah translates to “God is exalted.”

Significance: In the Bible, Athaliah is the daughter of King Ahab and Jezebel, and the mother of King Ahaziah of Judah. She is known for her ruthless reign as queen, during which she tried to exterminate the royal family of Judah to secure her power. Her story is found in 2 Kings 11 and 2 Chronicles 22-23.

4. Bithiah

Origin: Bithiah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Bithiah is derived from the Hebrew words “bat,” meaning “daughter,” and “Yah,” referring to God.

Meaning: The name Bithiah translates to “daughter of God.”

Significance: In the Bible, Bithiah is the daughter of Pharaoh who married Mered, a member of the tribe of Judah. She is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:18 and is noted for leaving her royal position to become part of the Israelite community, a rare example of a foreign princess joining the people of Israel.

3. Elisheba

Origin: Elisheba is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Elisheba is derived from the Hebrew words “El,” meaning “God,” and “shaba,” meaning “oath.”

Meaning: The name Elisheba translates to “God is my oath.”

Significance: In the Bible, Elisheba is the wife of Aaron, the first high priest, and the mother of Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar. Her name is mentioned in Exodus 6:23, and she is the ancestor of the Levitical priesthood through her sons.

2. Huldah

Origin: Huldah is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Huldah is derived from the Hebrew word “ḥuldah,” meaning “weasel” or “mole.”

Meaning: The name Huldah translates to “weasel” or “mole.”

Significance: In the Bible, Huldah is a prophetess during the reign of King Josiah, known for confirming the authenticity of the Book of the Law found in the temple. Her prophecy led to significant religious reforms in Judah, as recorded in 2 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 34.

1. Jemima

Origin: Jemima is of Hebrew origin.

Derivation: The name Jemima is derived from the Hebrew word “yemimah,” meaning “dove.”

Meaning: The name Jemima translates to “dove.” 

Significance: In the Bible, Jemima is the eldest of Job’s three daughters born after his trials. Her name, along with her sisters Keziah and Keren-Happuch, is mentioned in Job 42:14. These daughters are noted for their beauty, and unlike many women of the time, they received an inheritance from their father alongside their brothers.

What Did You Think of Those Unique Biblical Names?

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Finding unique Biblical names that both you and your partner adore might take some time, especially when you consider the thousands of names mentioned in the Bible, but it’s a journey worth taking. 

After all, this name will be a part of your child’s identity for the rest of his/her life, and choosing one that carries a special, religious meaning for your family is a beautiful way to start the first chapter of their life.

That’s why we put together this list of unique Biblical names – to help you navigate this frustrating, yet rewarding process while limiting the arguments and disagreements between you and your partner. 

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 25 Unique Biblical Names for Boys That Are Waiting to Be Discovered

But don’t worry if you couldn’t find the right name – maybe unique Biblical names just aren’t your style, and that’s okay! For more baby name ideas, check out our blog or try using our baby name generator!

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