Mamas Uncut

What Are the Pros and Cons of Having Your Tubes Tied?

A mom writes in asking for advice about getting her tubes tied (tubal ligation). She says she and her partner are done having children. She knows that both her mom and her aunt have gotten their tubes tied, but otherwise, she doesn’t know much about the procedure or the pros and cons of having it done. She says she’d love to hear from women who have gotten it done about their experiences, both the good and the bad.

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A member of the community asks:

“Pros and cons of getting your tubes tied?

Can any women give their experiences, good or bad, with having their tubes tied? We are done having babies and both my mom and aunt have theirs done, but that’s about all I know who has it. I would love to hear other women’s experiences with it. Thanks!”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Know the Pros and Cons of Getting Your Tubes Tied

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

What Are the Pros and Cons of Having Your Tubes Tied?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

Cons of Having Your Tubes Tied

“I bled horribly after my tubes were tied. I then had an ablation. 1 year later, I had horrible abdominal pain. The doctor found my lining was coming back. I had to have a hysterectomy.”

“2 years ago! My pain is worse and I bleed heavy. I am glad for no more babies but I really hoped it would help with the periods and it has not. Pain associated is far worse.”

“I had mine burned after I had my daughter and it made my periods horrible. They’re super heavy now. If I knew what I know now I probably would have opted for a different option.”

“I had mine tied after my third child. With that being said, I had it done during my third cesarean. I was sore, but I also had a lot of scar tissue removed from my previous caesareans. That’s about the only negative in my experience. My periods have been way more painful and heavier, but I’ve also had 3 children. I guess it depends on the person. Best wishes!!!!”

“My experience was horrible. Period was 10 times worse.”

“Everyone I know that had theirs tied regretted it. My mom has extremely heavy periods, my aunt bled for a month solid and they did an ablation on her. One friend of mine had cysts and it got to the point where she had to have a hysterectomy and the same with my other friend. I wanted mine done but because I have cysts, they won’t do it because it will make it worse.”

Pros of Having Your Tubes Tied

“I had a tubal ligation immediately after my c-section with my 3rd baby. I had no problems, the healing from the c-section and tube tying were simultaneous. Not having to worry about birth control was a plus for my love life!”

“I had my tubes removed. My first 2 periods afterward were extremely painful, I thought I was dying. Since then things have evened out and I have little to no issues.”

“Had my tubes tied. I don’t have any issues as far as heavier painful periods. I think mine actually got lighter and shorter lol. I had mine done when I had my daughter since they were cutting me open anyway.”

“I had mine done after 2 babies. I knew that I personally could not afford to have more, as I also have a disabled husband and that 2 + him would be more than enough for me to handle being the only able-bodied adult in the house. I was right lol. So I got my tubes tied. Sometimes, now that my children are 8 & 10, I wish maybe I hadn’t so that I could have the chance to have one more, but I think that’s just the strange part of my brain that enjoyed being pregnant. lol. If you feel it’s the right decision for you, go for it. It was the right choice for me.”

“Simple, easy procedure mostly done laparoscopically… I had mine done 3 years ago at age 38 because I wanted a permanent birth control. I have 2 clamps on each tube. I woke up with moderate discomfort due to cramping. After giving me fentanyl for pain with 0 effect, they gave me Buscopan for cramps, much more effective. The next few days I was a bit sore, only required Tylenol and Advil. Hope this helps!”

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