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175 Fun Truth or Drink Questions for Adults

Truth or drink questions are so hard to come up with when you’re playing the beloved drinking game “Truth or Drink.” This can partly be blamed on the fact that you are drinking and not at full capacity and no one likes being put on the spot. Our best advice for lovers of the game is to write down your truth or drink questions on index cards before you play!

That’s all it takes! Just shuffle the cards up when you’re done and you get even more added randomness to your game. Once you’ve done this people in your party can take turns drawing truth or drink questions from the deck and answering them or, if they got a good one, drinking instead. The very best part of playing this drinking game is when the questions get a little on the uncomfortable side. With that in mind, these truth or drink questions were written for adults (21+) as this is an adult game.

Check Out These Brilliant Truth or Drink Questions!

Best Truth or Drink Questions for Best Friends

175 Fun Truth or Drink Questions for Adults

You think you know all there is to know about your besties? Thing again! Get all up in your friend’s personal business with these truth or drink questions!

More of the Best Truth or Drink Questions for Best Friends

Okay, those last questions might get you banned from the next girls night but at least you got to the bottom of some things. Let’s take a look at more truth or drink questions for best friends!

Let’s Keep Going with More Truth or Drink Questions for Your Besties

Those were a little less personal but still revealing, right? Let’s discover some more questions that will make your friends uncomfortable but not totally skeevy.

Best Truth or Drink Questions for Exes and Romantic Partners

If you’re playing this drinking game with an ex or a current partner, it’s your time to figure some things out! Feel free to ask the most uncomfortable of questions because that makes the game even more fun!

More Uncomfortable Truth or Drink Questions for Romantic Partners and/or Exes

Things are getting rather heated, right? Let’s keep it up! Here are more uncomfortable questions to ask people who you most intimately know.

Let’s Get Even Grittier with These Wild Truth or Drink Questions

If you’re ready to burn some bridges and go all-in, the following truth or drink questions are going to be for you! Be bold and don’t back down, fearless inquisitor!

More Truth or Drink Questions That Are Far Less Extreme

You might night a bucket of ice water dumped on you after those last truth or drink questions. Here are some questions that aren’t so risqué.

Even More Truth or Drink Questions That Won’t End Friendships

See? Those were still uncomfortable but at least you are not going to offend someone to the point of losing them as a friend! Let’s look at some more questions that won’t get you banned from the friend group.

Great Truth or Drink Questions to Ask Your Family Members

If you somehow end up playing truth or drink with members of your family, here are some really fun questions.

More Truth or Drink Questions for Family Members

Got more burning questions to ask members of your family? These truth or drink questions will allow you to get answers to questions you’ve always wanted to ask!

Best Truth or Drink Questions for Strangers

Are you playing the game with complete strangers? These truth or drink questions will allow you to learn more about the people you are playing with!

More Truth or Drink Questions for Strangers

Did those truth or drink questions get a little awkward? If so, then you know you’re playing the game right. Here are some more for you try!

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Truth or Drink Questions for Couples

Want to test the limits of your relationship? Check out these great truth or drink questions for couples!

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More Truth or Drink Questions for Couples

Those weren’t so bad, right? Let’s look at some more fun truth or drink questions to ask your partner.

Random Truth or Drink Questions

For the remainder of this list, will just be a grab bag of truth or drink questions that are going to work perfectly in most settings and for more people you know. Check them out!

More Truth or Drink Questions

Truth or drink questions are meant to be revealing so make sure to ask about topics you have always been curious about.

Even More Random Truth or Drink Questions

These truth or drink questions will really make a night interesting, right? Here are even more of them to keep the party going.

Truth or Drink Questions to Try On Your Next Night Out

Here are even more truth or drink questions for you to use at your next party or gathering.

Yes, Even More Truth or Drink Questions for You to Embarrass Your Friends

Here are some embarrassing truth or drink questions that will separate the “drinkers” from the “answerers.”

More Truth or Drink Questions That Might Result in a Drink in Your Face

Here are more touchy truth or drink questions for you to ask at your next gathering.

More Truth or Drink Questions to Ask Any Person You Know

Here are more uncomfortable things to ask your friends the next time you play truth or drink.

Rolling On with More Truth or Drink Questions for Friends

Here are even more truth or drink questions that will make your friends cringe.

Moving Right Along to Even More Truth or Drink Questions

We continue you on with even more truth or drink questions for you to use on your friends the next time you play.

More Truth or Drink Questions to Ask Your Friends

Here are even more truth or drink questions that will make your friends uncomfortable but will ultimately strengthen your bond (maybe…).

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The Last Truth or Drink Questions on the List!

You made it to the end of the list! We will send you off with some more great truth or drink questions.

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these truth or drink questions and you will break them out to ask at your next party or gathering with friends. The point of the game is to get to know each other by revealing truths you would otherwise not. Let your hair down and have some fun! Please party responsibly, people.

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