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Trick Or Treat: 15 Halloween Memes to Make Holiday Prep Slightly Less Scary

Funny Halloween Memes Moms Will Love

It’s fall and the countdown for Halloween has officially begun! Fall means you can finally not break into a sweat immediately after going outside. Plus, you get to take all those fabulous boots and sweaters out of storage. It also means the start of the holiday season and, dare we say, stress?

As you attempt to get your kids’ Halloween costumes together, trek to a pumpkin patch, and create an intricate design in a gourd with a small, sharp knife and maybe also plan to scare the crap out of your children at least once, we wanted to share some friendly reminders that holiday planning can be just a touch overwhelming and sometimes a bit ridiculous.

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Here are a few Halloween memes to keep Halloween slightly less scary.

We like Halloween just a little bit. You?

What? Just practicing for Halloween?

Perfect Halloween candy hack.

I think it’s fair to say that we put slightly more focus on Halloween costumes than we used to…

When mama needs a night out, but we’re not quite feeling our best.

Best laid plans, right?!

Once the weather is officially cold, at least 50% of the house is freezing. (Spoiler alert: it’s me.)

We’re just going to be honest: Our house looks NOTHING like Pinterest.

Let the holiday season begin!

Let’s be honest, not everyone loves holiday décor.

I mean, we’re kind of just wearing a Halloween costume all year round, right?

Target is our safe space.

Been waiting MONTHS to take the sweaters out of storage.

Maybe it’d be best if we just left the pumpkins in one piece.

And, last but not least, adorable Halloween costume inspiration.

We hope this holiday, you have more treats than tricks. Happy Halloween!

Do you have any funny Halloween memes you’d like to share? Drop a link in the comments!

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