Mamas Uncut

Tori Roloff Suffers Miscarriage, Calls Her Lost One ‘Sweet Angel Baby’

Tori Roloff revealed that she suffered a miscarriage. She shared the sad news with fans on Saturday via Instagram along with a cross-stitch depicting her, her husband, Zach Roloff, 15-month-old daughter Lilah Ray, and 3-year-old Jackson Kyle. Her family stands next to a representation of Jesus holding the baby the family just lost.

The cross-stitch is propped up by a bouquet of flowers and just beneath it, there is a positive pregnancy test. In the caption for the image, she writes to fans of how the miscarriage unfolded and her feelings following the devastating loss.

‘I’ve Never Felt So Sad, Angry, and Scared,’ Tori Roloff wrote after she miscarried

Tori Roloff Suffers Miscarriage, Calls Her Lost One 'Sweet Angel Baby'
@toriroloff / Instagram

“We were so excited when we found out we were expecting baby #3, and we couldn’t wait to share,” Tori shared on Instagram. “We went in for our first ultrasound at 8 weeks and found out that we lost our sweet baby two weeks earlier.”

“I’ve honestly never felt loss like I did in that moment,” she explained. “I’ve never felt so sad, angry, and scared in a single moment. I had no symptoms of losing [our] sweet angel baby and nothing could have prepared me for hearing our sweet baby was gone.”

@toriroloff / Instagram

Tori also said she “thought about how the first face our little girl or boy got to see was Jesus. I’m so upset that I never got to see their face but I rest in knowing he or she is with our savior and I will meet them one day.”

“My husband has been my unwavering rock through this whole journey. He has been by my side through it all and I couldn’t have done it without him,” she shared. “If there is any silver lining here it’s the realization of how truly blessed we are. We have two happy healthy thriving kids, and I know that’s not afforded to everyone. We have two kids who we have to snuggle and love on every day.”

Tori Roloff Hopes That Her Message, ‘Will Touch Just One Mama and Let Them Know You’re Not Alone.’

@toriroloff / Instagram

“Parents should never know the heartbreak of losing a child,” her message to fans continued. “I pray that we can all find peace that our babies are waiting for us in heaven and we will meet one day. I post this in hopes that it will touch just one mama and let them know you’re not alone.”

The Little People, Big World star wrote that the reason she decided to share the news publicly writing that she did so “in hopes that it will touch just one mama and let them know you’re not alone,” and also “selfishly as a form of healing for myself.”

@toriroloff / Instagram

“I felt as though I needed to acknowledge our sweet angel baby so I could go on sharing my babies here with me. So that’s what I’ll continue to do — thanking the Lord for what I have,” she wrote.

Through the years, the star has been open with fans about her parenting journey including instances of pleasure with her little ones as well as the hard times as well like when she opened up about struggling with her body image during and after pregnancy.

RELATED: Tori Roloff Struggling With ‘Pretty Rough Stuff’ And Sees ‘No Light At The End Of The Tunnel’

@toriroloff / Instagram

In an episode of her reality TV series, that aired in October, the couple shared their baby girl had previously been diagnosed with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) after a hydrocephalus scare.

Lilah tested positive for both influenza and RSV, which was a relief to her mom, as she did not have the more serious hydrocephalus. But that relief only went so far, as Zach “almost died from RSV” when he was a baby, and the couple was told by Lilah’s doctor to make sure they monitor her condition.

@toriroloff / Instagram

The following week, Tori revealed her “guilt” she was feeling for her children, “especially” her daughter. “We’ve had some pretty rough stuff hit our house the last two months and I struggle with having to attend doctors or medical appointments alone [amid the coronavirus pandemic],” she wrote on Instagram. “Without my teammate by my side. I struggle sharing my life when sometimes it doesn’t feel authentic because our world is so upside down and backwards right now.”

“I’m sharing this only in hopes that someone reads it and doesn’t feel alone. We’re not alone. I get that,” the LPBW star continued. “I thank the Lord every single day that my family is here and healthy. Maybe I’m sharing also to not feel alone. Some days can feel so clouded by what’s truth and whats fear. My truth is God and because God is with me I will not be afraid. But I can still vent about it on Instagram right?”

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@toriroloff/ Instagram

We are so sorry to hear that the Roloff family is experiencing these tough moments over the past several months. Her latest revelation of miscarriage is devastating, but we are glad she shared it with fans as it will surely help them get through similar experiences to know that they are not alone. We wish the entire Roloff family healing during these very trying times.

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