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Tori Roloff Reveals She Is Struggling with Her Post-Baby Body: ‘I Hate Asking for Help’

Tori Roloff Reveals She Is Struggling with Her Post-Baby Body: 'I Hate Asking for Help'

Throughout her pregnancy and now post-baby, Tori Roloff has been and continues to be open about the struggles of motherhood. It’s been almost a month since Tori gave birth to her youngest daughter, Lilah Ray.

In the time since birth, Tori says she’s been struggling with her post-baby body. She explained all of this in a new Instagram post and we really appreciate her honesty and openness.

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In a new Instagram post, Tori Roloff shared her post-pregnancy struggles.

Tori says she’s been struggling with her body post-pregnancy. It’s so important for women to be having these conversations and to open up about the realities of pregnancy and the toll it takes on a body. She captioned the cute picture of herself and kids:

“I’m trying really hard to love my postpartum body. It’s only been 3 weeks since growing and then birthing a human being, but it’s hard. Having major abdominal surgery is difficult for me because I hate being restricted. I hate asking for help. I hate not being able to physically keep up with where my mental state is. Plus there are jiggles in places that are honestly just hard to come to terms with. I know it’s temporary. I know my body will heal and I will be back where I want to be. It’s just the waiting that’s hard. For all those PP mamas out there. Love yourself hard. We all have our days and that’s okay. Our bodies are so insane and I’ve said it before- women are bad ass. I thank God everyday for the family he’s given me. I’ll be here continuing to try and practice what I preach and love myself through this phase.”

We really like the advice to “Love yourself hard. We all have our days and that’s okay.”

RELATED: Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words

This isn’t the first time Tori has gotten real about pregnancy.

Late in the summer, she posted maternity photos of herself, pregnant with Lilah. She captioned the beautiful photo, in part, “I really didn’t want to take maternity photos. I’m not one of those women who loves being pregnant. In fact, there’s not a lot of times I do love being pregnant. Don’t get me wrong. I thank God for this amazing gift every single day and I know how blessed I am but it definitely hasn’t made me feel my best.”

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We really appreciate Tori posting about this. There are so many people who really dislike pregnancy.

We’re glad Tori is staying positive.

In her post, Tori did emphasize that it’s only been a short time since Lilah’s birth. And, she knows that her body will heal and she’ll be feeling 100% again. That’s a great outlook for any new mom to have.

Tori’s fans support her and have her back.

toriroloff / Instagram

Comments on the Instagram post have been rolling in. There’s so much support from her fans and we love to see it.

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We hope the best for Tori!

It takes a considerable amount of time to recover and bounce back after pregnancy. It does not last forever! We wish the best for Tori and hope she keeps sharing her motherhood journey with us.

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