Mamas Uncut

Tori Roloff Shares ‘Mom Night’ Photos That Will Have You Laughing and Rolling Your Eyes, Plus a New Photo of Lilah with a Heartfelt Message


Social media butterfly Tori Roloff has been posting on Instagram lately about motherhood and all the highs and lows that come with it. It’s been an eventful couple of months for the Little People Big World star. Tori just gave birth to her second child Lilah Ray, made it through the holidays, and now she is trying to take a little time for herself.

In two separate posts on Instagram, Tori perfectly captured what it’s like to be a mother. In the first post, Tori gushes over the support she gets from her fans on social media. In another, she joked about not ever having any time to herself. We’ve all been there!

Tori Roloff took a moment to thank her fans for their support.

Tori posted a beautiful picture of her with her daughter and captioned it with the sweetest, most heartfelt message to her fans:

“I just wanted to jump on here and tell y’all how much I love you guys. There are days that social media can be a really dark and mean space but then there are other days (like today) where you all know how to make it positive. I get so many nice messages and comments every day and I just want you guys to know I read them. They encourage me to be better and I strive to bring light to the dark with this social media thing. ????????????”

She’s right. Social media can be a dark place, especially for mothers. It’s excellent that Tori gets so much support in the form of messages and comments from her fans. Moms need all the support they can get from anyone who is willing to give it!

Tori goes on to describe how surreal it is to have so many followers and people who care about her.

Her message to fans continued with Tori admitting that it’s a “gift” to reach as many people as she does and that she’s done her best to share her life as “authentically” as possible:

I really believe I’ve been given a gift with the amount of people I’m able to reach on a daily basis. It’s still crazy to me that I have over a million followers and that people care at all about me and my family. I’m such a “normal” woman who was just kind of put in the spotlight by my family. I have done my best over the last ten years to be positive. To share my life authentically and truthfully. To be a role model to as many people as I can. I want to look back on all of this and be proud of what I’ve left behind on social media for myself and my kids. As long as this place brings me joy, I’ll be here. Thanks for following along!

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Tori has been extremely authentic on Instagram.

In early December, Tori shared her struggle with her postpartum body saying, “I’m trying really hard to love my postpartum body. It’s only been 3 weeks since growing and then birthing a human being, but it’s hard.”

She’s always been candid about her struggles and shone a light on issues that other mothers can relate to.

Tori also let us know when her pregnancy was getting very hard for her.

In a post from September, Tori described how difficult pregnancy was saying, “The last few days have really been a struggle for me. This last stage of pregnancy has hit me hard. I get so frustrated not being able to do things on my own.”

She’s always been so upfront and honest and that’s refreshing for a celebrity or reality TV star on Instagram.

 In addition to the thank you note to her fans, Tori also updated her Instagram story with an injection of humor.

Tori Roloff Shares 'Mom Night' Photos That Will Have You Laughing and Rolling Your Eyes, Plus a New Photo of Lilah with a Heartfelt Message

Tori posted an image to her story of her enjoying some alone time in the bath. The photo has a caption that says, “Moms night!” placed over her knee as she relaxes in the bath. Many fans thought Tori was finally getting some time to herself. Then, she posted another photo to her story.

A baby crashes Tori’s party!


Shortly after her post, she updated fans with a photo of her son, Jackson leaning into the shot. She captioned the photo, “Jk.”

How relatable! Do parents ever get any time off? Do kids understand the concept of privacy?

Jackson ‘helps’ Tori with her bath and it’s adorable.


The next update to Tori’s story shows Jackson rubbing her soapy knee. Tori captioned the photo, “He’s helping me get [all] clean.”

Adorable. We assume Jackson is just recreating what Tori does for him on a daily basis.

Tori didn’t get a mom night all to herself, but she did get a tender moment with her son.

It’s so hard to find time for yourself when you have kids. This has to be especially true for Tori because she’s got a toddler running around and a new baby to care for. Life can be hectic. It was so nice for Tori to take the time and thank her fans for their support.

It was also really entertaining to see her Insta story about her son crashing her bath. We’ve all been there! Keep doing you, Tori! You’re winning.

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