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Custody Battles, Violence, and A Big Breakup: A Timeline of ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans’ Wildly Dramatic Year

Custody Battles, Violence, and A Big Breakup: A Timeline of 'Teen Mom' Star Jenelle Evans' Wildly Dramatic Year


Some years are better than others, and 2019 is not Jenelle Evans’ best. The star of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle Evans, has had a rocky year that included a murdered pet, a custody battle for her children, relationship drama, drama on top of drama, and leaving MTV and the Teen Mom franchise altogether.

It seems like we get news from her and her family every single day, so please bear with us if we miss any key details or if something new breaks about Jenelle in the time it takes to write this.

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Things started heating up for Jenelle Evans over the summer.

Jenelle posted this photo to her Instagram in early May. As you can see, the photo features her and her dog, Nugget. She captions the post, in part, “Everyday I wake up you’re not here, when I come home you’re not here, when I go to bed… you’re not here. You’re gone forever and there’s no coming back.”

It gets weird though. Apparently, Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, shot and killed the dog after it bit one of their children in the face.

Jenelle said she was considering divorcing David over the incident.

Screenshot From Jenelle Evans’ Instagram Account

Jenelle posted, then deleted, this to her Instagram at the time. The post contained the headline, “Jenelle Evans Is Considering Divorce After David Eason Kills Her Dog,” which seemed to confirm a lot.

We only found out about the whole incident, because Jenelle’s ex, Nathan Griffith called the police and requested a wellness check for his son. The Columbus County Sheriff’s Department confirmed that a male caller had indeed contacted them for a wellness check. However, the male caller (Griffith) didn’t mention the murder of Nugget, so the police did not look into it.

David Eason gave us his thoughts about the matter.

David posted a now-deleted video of the dog with this caption:

“I dont give a damn what animal bites my baby on the face… whether it be your dog or mine, a dog is a dog and I dont put up with that s— at all,” he wrote.

“I’m all about protecting my family, it is my lifes mission,” he added. “Some people are worth killing or dying for and my family means that much to me. You can hate me all you want but this isnt the first time the dog bit Ensley aggressively. The only person that can judge wether or not a animal is a danger to MY CHILD is ME.”

This seemed to further confirm that Jenelle’s husband had indeed killed Nugget.

MTV had already cut ties with David Eason in 2018 after homophobic tweets, but then, they fired Jenelle after the dog incident.

I was a little bit shocked but I saw it coming,” Jenelle told Us Weekly in an exclusive interview. “It’s shocking still but I respect their decision and have nothing but love for MTV.”

That was it for the Eason family on Teen Mom 2 and MTV.

By the end of May, the custody battle started.

After the incident with Nugget, a judge ruled that David and Jenelle could no longer have custody of their three children, Jace, 9, Kaiser, 4 and Ensley, 2.

Jace (whom Evans had with ex Andrew Lewis) and Ensley (whom she had with Eason) were taken care of by Evans’ mother, Barbara Evans, who has frequently appeared on Teen Mom to aid her daughter through legal and personal trouble.  Kaiser (whose father is Evans’ ex Nathan Griffith) stayed with Griffith and his paternal grandmother.

Jenelle and David were only allowed to see the children once a week for an hour. The custody issues did not end there.

Jenelle and David Eason went to therapy to try and get custody of their kids.

As part of the court’s ruling, the couple was required to attend therapy sessions to regain custody.

Apparently they really needed it, because David stormed out of a supervised visit with his children before the court-ordered therapy began.

Things between Jenelle and her mother, Barbara, got tense.

Outside the court, where Jenelle was to give updates about therapy, she got into a fight with her mother.

In an exclusive statement shared with Us WeeklyJenelle said at the time, “I do feel like my relationship with my mom is destroyed at this point. This isn’t a way a mother should be treating her daughter. She fights so hard for my sister and my brother when they are the ones with major issues, not me.”

TMZ was all over the courthouse because they also caught drama between Janelle’s ex and David as well.

In the audio, you can hear David and Nathan Griffith getting into it. David clearly cannot control his temper.

There’s also a video from outside the courthouse of David flipping Nathan the bird.

Things were not pretty for Jenelle in June.

In case you were trying to keep count, the police ended up at Jenelle and David’s home 25 times.

Radar obtained records showing the call logs to 911. Police had been called to Jenelle’s home 25 times by June.

In response, Jenelle uploaded a video to youtube that confused everyone.

The video shows her kids and David on the farm getting baby chicks and chickens. The video showed her children and David, as well as her deceased dog, Nugget. Fans were outraged that she chose to show a video of her children with David and animals, most notably the dog that he had shot and killed.

“I cannot believe you have the nerve to show Nugget and the kids like if he wasn’t dead or like the kids haven’t been taken away,” one fan wrote. Another said, “This video isn’t going to help get your kids back…”

The custody battle continued all the way into July.

Jenelle then claimed her children were no longer safe with her mother.

Jenelle explained that her brother, Colin, was not a safe figure for the kids to be around and that the kids needed to be returned to her.

Colin had called the police for alleged stalkers, break-ins, trespassers and more. He believed that the children’s father, David was stalking around their home.

Then, Jenelle and David called the cops on Jenelle’s mother for allegedly locking one of their children in a room.

“David and I were on FaceTime with Jace when we heard my mom say to Ensley, ‘Come here, I have to take a shower.’ Then she took Ensley in the other room, and we immediately heard her screaming and crying,” Evans exclusively shared with Us Weekly

Just before July 4th, Jenelle got custody of her children again.

Evans shared an exclusive statement with after the court ruling, saying: “Today [was] the final day we were in court from 9am-6pm. The judge] didn’t find any evidence against us of neglect or abuse of any sort. With everything that was presented as evidence, the judge found that CPS only had ‘hearsay.’ What CPS presented didn’t stand up to the definition of abuse or neglect. When the judge said her decision it was so ‘matter-of-fact’ tone and blunt that I was in shock but [burst] out into tears immediately!”

Finally, this was some good news for Jenelle.

After spending the holidays reunited with her kids, Jenelle got another custody surprise.

Kaiser’s father, Nathan, wanted custody of his son and felt the court had not fully recognized the danger Jenelle and David put the kids in.

He gave an interview where he expressed his concerns.

Then, another custody battle began and Jenelle lost custody of Kaden.

In yet another blow to the family, a separate court ruled that Kaden should be taken from the family.

Jenelle launched a scammy fundraising page to try and get money. On the page she wrote, “My son Kaden has been in/out of my life since the day he was born, never my fault. My ex is holding me back from seeing my son under every and any circumstance for no legit reason. I pay my child support which is an insane amount and very unfair. I recently started my local business and my ex has made up so many rumors that now it’s hard for myself to make any money or even have a job. I paid so much in attorney fees already for everything my ex has put me through.”

The funding page was quickly taken down.

Things seemed to quiet down until Jenelle announced she and David were splitting up.

After going through so much, Jenelle said she was leaving David. She had already taken the kids and left, but it was official when she posted the news to her Instagram.

She says in the post that the kids are safe. It’s time for a change and that David was not a good influence on her, her kids, and their family as a whole:

“The kids and I have moved away from David. Nobody gets into a marriage expecting it to end but I know what is best for me, and for my kids. Today I’ve filed papers to start that process. I appreciate the support from everybody who has asked me how I am. Me and the kids are doing great. We need some time to be together. But you’ll hear from us again soon.”

2019 has been a wild ride for Jenelle.

After a brutal summer of family drama and now the divorce, 2019 just hasn’t been Jenelle’s year. We hope that the changes she’s just announced will help her find safety, love, and happiness as we go into 2020.

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