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Thomas Rhett Opens Up About Wife’s Brutal 3rd Pregnancy

Thomas Rhett Opens Up About Wife's Brutal 3rd Pregnancy

Thomas Rhett‘s wife, Lauren Akins, is having a rough time as she lives through her 3rd pregnancy. In a conversation with People Magazine, Rhett reveals how the family is reacting to their future baby girl.

Thomas Rhett feels powerless when it comes to helping his wife Lauren.

He explained how her current pregnancy is “probably one of the worst for her as far as nausea and yakking all day.” But that her state isn’t surprising. “Lauren just has rough pregnancies. I’m sure there’s a lot of moms out there that feel that way. But when Lauren gets pregnant, the whole getting sick first trimester and then you’re done just has never really applied to her,” Rhett explained.

He then talked about the guilt a lot of dads go through, saying, “It’s just really sad because I feel like I can’t do anything to help, except order Taco Bell at 11:30 at night to put something in her stomach.” Thomas Rhett is very proud of how strong his wife is though, telling People that she’s “such a trouper” and would never “really be like, ‘I’m sick.'”

Thomas Rhett admits that “You can just kind of see it a little bit on her face,” but points out the bright side of his wife’s suffering, as “we’re going to get through it and we’ll have a beautiful fourth daughter out of it.” As many of the couple’s fans already know, the couple adopted their oldest daughter several years ago.

RELATED: Thomas Rhett & Lauren Atkins Are Expecting! ‘We Are Pumped to Be Having Our 4th Girl’

Rhett’s daughters had to come to terms with the fact that they wouldn’t be getting a baby brother.

As a dad to four daughters, Thomas Rhett revealed that “I feel like I’ve got the ropes down as to what that looks like, being a dad to a girl. So when I found out we were having a fourth, I was like, well, we’ve already got the clothes, I know how to do this, this is just round four of it.”

His daughters took a little more convincing. He explained, “Lauren was showing them the pregnancy test and she was like, ‘This means that you’re going to have another sister.’ And they both were just like, ‘But we wanted a brother!’ And they looked at me like it was my fault, and I was like, ‘No, this is going to be awesome!'” But now he says they’re “really, really excited” about their little sister.

As a girl dad, “My girls are my whole world and there truly is nothing more special than being a dad of beautiful little girls and something that I take a lot of pride in. It’s going to be a wild and chaotic next 25 years, but I’m ready to embrace it.” So sweet!

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