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This Two-Year-Old Beat a Rare Form of Ovarian Cancer

Two-Year-Old Beats Rare Ovarian Cancer

A two-year-old girl is now cancer-free after battling a rare form of ovarian cancer. In February, McKenna Shea Xydias went through four rounds of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with an ovarian yolk sac tumor

According to Good Morning America, McKenna was diagnosed after being sent home from her daycare with a fever. A month later, her stomach was bloated and she was in pain.

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Her parents, Mike and Megan Xydias, took her to a doctor. They were told it was most likely gas, but to bring her back if she continued to have fevers. Mike shared with GMA, “The whole [next] day she was fine, no temperature. But she had difficulty using the bathroom. Meagan made an appointment for her Feb. 14 in the afternoon. That day, daycare called. She had a fever of 103.”

McKenna got an X-ray which revealed a mass located around her ovaries. At the time of the diagnosis and treatment, Mike shared with GMA, “She is a ball of energy and a stereotypical 2-year-old. She’s the youngest child, where she is the boss and she’s extremely stubborn, which a great character trait in going to fight cancer. She doesn’t let anything stop her.”

McKenna was treated for four months by Dr. Katie Sutton, a pediatric oncologist for the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. After the treatment, Dr. Sutton was thrilled to tell McKenna’s parents that she was completely healthy. Dr. Sutton told GMA that McKenna “had no serious or unexpected side effects aside from requiring occasional blood transfusions. She’s a rock star.”

McKenna’s family set up a GoFundMe to help cover medical expenses. They are also continuing to share details from McKenna’s life and recovery on the Fight With Kenni Facebook Page.

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