Mamas Uncut

Thoughts? Should A Father Walk Around Naked With Their Kids Around?

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QUESTION: Should a father walk around naked with their kids around?

“Is it okay for a father to walk around naked, only covering his genitals in front of his five-year-old daughter? Also, what about bathing with his five-year-old daughter?”

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Thoughts? Should A Father Walk Around Naked With Their Kids Around?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I have no problem with nudity in the household. My husband is uncomfortable being naked around my daughter, but I’m trying to get him over that quickly. Nakedness is not shameful or embarrassing. As long as you can trust that nothing inappropriate is going on, I don’t see a problem with it.”

“When I was younger my father didn’t bathe with us. He refused to have us in the bath with him. It’s usually the mum that has the kids in the bath with them. Dads usually say no to having the kids in the bath when they hit a certain age. The walking around half naked is a little weird in front of the child but as long as he’s covering that area with boxers or pants, it doesn’t really matter.”

“He should not be bathing with her, helping her is one thing, getting naked and hoping in with her is different. She’s old enough to remember that now and no one wants the image of their father naked.”

“Imagine being a single dad, your daughter is afraid of the bath/shower. Who is going to step in and comfort/help her? It’s no one else’s duty or responsibility but yours. So either the child doesn’t get cleaned properly or the dad is accused of doing something disgusting.”

“My dad would walk about in his undies when I was young. We never thought anything of it. No worse than swim wear.”

“My dad gained full custody of my sister and I when we were 3 and 6. I grew up with a father bathing and helping bathe us as we got older. My dad NEVER wore anything other than his underwear in our house, unless we had company lol. And he’s the best parent/dad/man anyone could ask for. It’s only dirty and wrong if you make it that way.”

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