Mamas Uncut

These Adorable 3-Year-Olds Who ‘Fell in Love’ While Battling Cancer Reunite Being Apart For Months

3-years-old Mack Porter and Payson Altice fell in love this past year while undergoing cancer treatment at an Arizona hospital.

And not too long ago, the two reunited after two months apart and the results are nothing short of adorable.

These Adorable 3-Year-Olds Who 'Fell in Love' While Battling Cancer Reunite Being Apart For Months
Image via Shutterstock

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The two met while they lived on the same floor at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Each of the children was diagnosed with different forms of pediatric cancer — which required an extended stay in the cancer unit.

“I just knew Mack would like her,” Dani Porter, Mack’s mom, said, recalling how she approached Traci to ask if Payson would like to take a walk with Mack. 

The two were soon playing together all the time. The pair took plenty of trips to the hospital showing them dressing up, coloring, and playing with toys.

But despite their daily treatment, Mack and Payson became thicker than thieves. And it was when it was time for them each to go home that the separation anxiety kicked in.

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Dani said the two friends spoke by phone and over FaceTime for weeks and they never lost that adoration for one another. Porter revealed Inside Edition that both toddlers “continually asked to see each other” until their parents relented and ultimately planned something in person.

“Every morning, his first question was, ‘When can I play with Payson?'” Mack’s mom said.  And last month — that coveted reunion actually happened.

Mack presented Payson with a bouquet of flowers, followed by an adorable slow dance in the kitchen, which was captured on film by their parents. The young couple’s parents believe the “love story” will inspire others to look for the silver lining amid a crazy world.

“The human experience has so many hard things, and it can be so much better if we just are good to each other,” the mother said.

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Users were quick to comment on their love for the two kiddos, saying: “Good luck to these two friends.” and “That’s, great you can’t beat that.”

“That was a blessing to just watch our children be children,” Dani told World News Tonight

“During these scary and hard times, no matter what, just look to the children because they’ll lead the way.”

GoFundMe pages have been made for Mack and Payson.

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