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The Internet Can’t Get Enough of This Rescue Dog’s Unusual Markings

The Internet can't get enough of this rescue dog's unusual markings

Meet Lucky the rescue dog. He’s a two-year-old pup from Thailand. Lucky’s owner, Charice Fca Cha, could not believe what she was seeing when photos of the puppy surfaced on Facebook. She quickly contacted the owner and arranged a visit with hopes of adopting this one-of-a-kind pooch. To her surprise, Lucky’s unique facial markings were even more stunning in person. 

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Charice adopted Lucky and brought him home to be part of her family. She uploaded a photo of her new puppy to a Facebook group about dogs. Lucky’s photo was extremely popular and got 11,000 likes right away. Hundreds of comments and shares made Lucky internet famous. Charice knew she had found a special dog but had no idea the response to Lucky’s appearance would be so widespread. 

As you can see, Lucky is not your typical Chihuahua mix. He’s got a spectacular set of eyes. One is brown and the other eye is blue with a black mark over it that looks just like an eyebrow. He’s adorable! 

Charice spoke with Bored Panda and said, “I saw a post on Facebook that said that Lucky needs to find a new home.” The 29-year-old knew right away that Lucky’s new home should be her own. “When I saw his face, I immediately knew I wanted him so I contacted the owner to adopt him,” Charice shared. “I was surprised by his appearance but I thought he is perfect and very unique.” 

Unique, indeed! After bringing Lucky home and posting his photo to the Facebook group, Dogspotting Society, Lucky went viral. His photo got 11,000 likes, over 600 comments, and 200 shares. People openly questioned whether Lucky’s special markings were photoshopped. 

“Some people don’t believe this is his real eyebrow, they think I used a permanent pen to draw on his face or Photoshopped him,” Charice said. “And I understand that it’s hard to believe that dog can have a perfect eyebrow and what’s more, above a blue eye.”

There was immediate concern from users on the Facebook group about Lucky’s vision. Typically, when a dog has two different colored eyes it can mean issues with vision. Luckily for Lucky, Charice reports no problems with Lucky’s vision. 

As you might expect, Lucky’s still getting used to his new home and new friends. “He is very mischievous, hyper, nervous, scared of any sounds and people, and a bit aggressive but I know this is because he’s never met other dogs or other people,” Charice said. 

Getting used to his furry brother, Harry as been an adjustment. “Sometimes he bites Harry, my other dog,” Charice shared, “because Lucky is very possessive of me.” 

Charice plans on socializing her new dog with others, “I’m planning to send him to school to learn how to be sociable. Other than that, he is very snuggly, playful, intelligent and he listens to my orders … sometimes,” she said.

With a face like his, it’s hard to imagine Lucky doing anything wrong. Lucky has got a sizable social media presence with over 600 followers on his Instagram

Lucky and Charice have a lot of learning and growing to do. Charice hopes people will be inspired to rescue dogs and are aware of some of the extra care it might take. Lucky isn’t going to let anything stop him from living his best life. 

One thing is certain. Lucky has fans. One talented superfan painted a portrait of Lucky and posted it on Facebook

Lucky has many cheerleaders at home as well as from online friends. Lucky might be settling into his new life in Thailand, but he’s also found his way into many hearts online. Good boy, Lucky.  

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