Mamas Uncut

A Texas Teacher Told a Mom to Put Her Son on a Diet and ‘Go Away,’ Leading to Her Firing

A Texas mom on Facebook has shared an offensive note she received from a teacher telling her to put her son on a diet and for her to “go away.”

In the post, the mom, Francesca Easdon, shares that she has been working with her son, Kyler, on eating better.

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‘Put Him on a Diet and Go Away’: Teacher’s Cruel Note Goes Viral

A Texas Teacher Told a Mom to Put Her Son on a Diet and 'Go Away,' Leading to Her Firing

“I have been introducing new healthy options in his lunchbox and discussed the changes with his school,” she wrote. “And for the record, I feel that Kyler is absolutely perfect the way he is, I’m just helping him make healthier choices.”

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Francesca had sent the now-viral note with Kyler’s lunch, thinking it would make him feel better while he ate. The note read, “Please tell Kyler that his mommy loves him so much and I’m thinking about him.” When she received it back, someone had written, “No! Put him on a diet and tell him to go away!”

Francesca immediately went to the school to speak with the director. The teacher who wrote the note confessed and was fired.

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However, Francesca is very disappointed that there has been “no remorse for their actions.” Kyler now goes to a different daycare as a result.

“Monitor your daycares closely and stay away from this facility, they do NOT deserve the privilege of teaching our children,” she cautioned parents.

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Appalled parents recommended she report the school to the Better Business Bureau and write reviews on Yelp.

“You handled this so well. I can’t believe a grown adult would act like this,” one wrote, sharing a sentiment many shared.

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