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Tess Holliday Says She Is Working Loving Herself More As Her Separation From Her Husband Continues

Tess Holliday/Instagram

The always real Tess Holliday is letting her fans know that she’s on an epic journey of self-love as the separation from her husband Nick Holliday continues. The model shared on Instagram that she’s learning to accept and honor her body. 

“We are told to lower our expectations because fat bodies are viewed as undesirable and sub-human, and we should be ‘lucky’ to have someone find us attractive, and hell, if we are lucky, truly love us,” Holliday wrote.

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“So for me, love was always something foreign, and because of that I allowed people to treat me poorly because I didn’t fully know how to love myself.” The mom-of-two goes on to share with fans that she is learning to let go of the life she had planned for herself.

Tess Holliday Is Working on Loving Herself More Following Her Separation From Her Husband

“I wish I could stand here tell you that loving myself was the only key, and from that point on, I never allowed anyone else to treat me poorly… but that’s not the case. I’m writing this as someone who is learning to let go of the life I had planned so I can make room for the life that’s waiting for me.”

The role-model is always quick to remind fans to always live their truth. She even admitted that when it comes to self-love she “still has so much to learn.”

“Self-love is a lifelong process, and I still have so much to learn. To recognize myself in the mirror again, to live loudly and unapologetically, to heal, and to share all of this with you all… to me, that’s what real self-love is. To be able to let go of something that was hurting me, and to be able to choose myself, that feels like a new love I’ve never experienced.”

Tess Holliday Says She Is Working Loving Herself More As Her Separation From Her Husband Continues | “So for me, love was always something foreign, and because of that I allowed people to treat me poorly because I didn’t fully know how to love myself.”
Tess Holliday/Instagram

“Go look at yourself in the mirror, & repeat after me, ‘I am beautiful just as I am. I am loved. I am valued. I am not alone. I love you.’ We got this.”

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Tess Holliday/Instagram

In an interview with Parents, Tess admitted that her estranged husband has been living in Australia and is “working on himself.” Thank you, Tess, for daring to be vulnerable and for continuing to inspire us all!

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